THE original

"Is that a death star?" the ones who recognized the design of the gigantic sphere asked and much to their surprise they heard a comical high-pitched voice that sounded like a certain deranged clown.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen how has your day been?" he asked but no one said anything and just looked on most out of fear." what? No one's gonna answer?"

"Everyone's afraid Sir and as far as we're concerned, you're about to kill us with that thing there so." everything was silent for a few seconds before they heard a laugh over the mic.

"What's your name?"

"Romeo my last names weird "

"Common tell me it can't be that bad "Xavier sounded excited btu he seemed to be the only excited one,

"it's Deadman my full names Romeo Deadman "as soon as he said his name, they heard an excited shriek from Xavier that gave the mic some static.

"I'm liking you more and more tell ya what tell me what you do for a living and I'll let you live "

"I'm unemployed sir but I want my family protected instead "

"Excellent!!!!!!" he screamed over the mic he was as excited as humanly possible and was even giggling when a missile hit the sphere "hm?" Xavier's whole temperament had changed in that instant and now he meant business "it seems not everyone is intelligent like you huh? Well, your family is safe either way so good bye Romeo, drop it ". At his command the giant sphere was dropped but before it hit the ground. "VALHALLA ".

It exploded the first explosions wasn't so bad it only collapsed a few buildings killed a few people but then it suddenly started pulling things towards itself everything that went in was vapourised instantly and then it really began, the third explosion that sent out a black wave of energy that covered everything before shrinking and vanishing and with it all the buildings, roads, cars, people, whatever was left after the explosion was nothing but ash.

"Super particle accelerator bomb, so that's what it was "Sol mumbled to herself as she inspected the extent of the damage "like a black sun ".

"Maybe I should have named it that instead huh?" Xavier commented on her mumblings leaning in close to her face showing her just how much attention he pays to his environment and those around him while she had been oblivious? "Well let's move on we'll begin restoration and repopulation plans later "the ship slowly faded away again as the flew over the city.

On the other hand, a crunching sound could be heard as one of the ash piles started to shake then what looked like skin rapidly stretched out and wrapping itself together twisting and writhing until it had formed a human like shape that resembled something closer to a mannequin with fused stubbed arms fingers, toes and their respective nails started to form, hair, eyes until eventually it had formed a whole person a person who woke up gasping for air.

"I. I'm alive? that's impossible, who am I? my clothes are- "He placed a hand on his head and yelled in pain as images started to flash through his head "I am Deadman, Romeo Deadman and I died today "