What just happened was the thoughts running through his head "how was he not dead "he clearly remembers being vaporised by Xavier's blast just now.

"Hey one of em's alive over here" he instantly recognized his soldiers as soon as he saw the tattoo on their foreheads.

"well I'll be damned, capture him immediately he'll have our heads if we don't capture him ".

It seems no one had to tell him getting captured by Xavier is probably the worst that could happen right now so he forced his new body to stand he was unstable at first but quickly started running he didn't get far when he felt the shots from their weapons pierce his legs but that wasn't the amazing thing his legs seemed to almost instantly heal so he kept running.

"he's regenerating stop his movements, impale him we still have to play it safe we don't know what he can do yet, contact the commander tell him its scenario 5 we have a mutant "A spear ran through his stomach as someone appeared beside him with a weapon they had all grown to know X's legendary swords, as it drew closer to his neck his fear of ending up in Xavier's lab took over as his shadow rose up and impaled the soldier in several places before retracting.

The soldiers stood there in shock for a few seconds before charging forward "we have a multiple ability user its a scenario 7 subdue it immediately " His shadow wrapped itself around his body even covering his head and had started spreading on the floor as soon as it touched someone shadow it filled them with holes using their own shadows as mediums "Give him space he's using our shadows ,i repeat give him shit-" .the team captain had been impaled by one of the shadows as soon as he died their eyes all flashed for a second before someone else spoke .

" Command has been transferred successfully fall back ready you guns ".

"GeT AwAy FrOm Me!!!!" He shouted and spread his shadow as far as it could go and pierced everything it came in contact with, Romeo spat blood as he fell to one knee " it hurts It HuRtS So MuCh" his shadow started to wiggle and it seemed to be absorbing the other shadows " HeLp Me"

" Gladly " before he could finish turning around he could suddenly see his body as the shadows started to disperse and he got one quick look at who had done him in "" he managed to say before seeing him smile