Another day [53]

The next morning, sunlight lightened up the once grey sky and the wet gloomy surroundings. Even though the sun was shining high in the sky, some thin grey clouds still lurked on the edges of the horizon. It made me reflect on the situation I was in. I was safe for now but the danger was still out there, lurking and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on me to render me dead.

Cee killed the engine once we were parked in the school's parking lot. Since sun finally made an appearance today, everyone was outside enjoying the warm sunlight. Some students have removed their jackets and sweatshirts and were walking around in half sleeved or sleeveless tees to enjoy the sunlight on their bare skin. Cee tied her hair up using a scrunchie and took off her jacket. She was wearing a thin white shirt underneath. She then hopped on the front of her car and leaned back supporting her body with her hands.