Odd [54]

Zach left the class first and we followed him. We made our way through the swarm of students rushing to their classes, towards our lockers.

"Did you see that? He was concerned about me." She clapped her hands together than brought them to her cheeks.

I didn't knew what to say to her. In my opinion, I thought it was just out of the basic human courtesy. But Cee was taking it in a wrong way. So I said, "He was just making sure if you were okay." I didn't wanted her to have stupid expectations only to get hurt in the end.

"Kat can't you see the signs? He waited for me at the door only to ask me if I was doing okay. It was quite clear he was trying to make a small talk."

"How are you so sure?" I challenged.

"I don't know--- I just have a strong feeling."

"What if he was just being generous like he always does?" I hinted at the possibility.