Library [57]

"You know me. I can be playful with people but at the end of the day my loyalty lies with you." I wanted to believe in her words but my anger was getting the best of me and I couldn't control it.

"Whatever!" I said as I walked past her and towards the main gate of the school.

"Kat wait!" I heard her behind me as she caught up to me. "I''m sorry Kat. I didn't knew you were in a bad mood. I thought Lucas was just kidding about it. Looks like he was right." She thought out loud.

I hated the fact that she thought Lucas was right. Though he was actually right that I was fuming but I still didn't like it. In fact anything related to him would just push me over the edge. Hours ago in the morning, I was feeling exact opposite for him than I was feeling now and it was all on him. He wanted to get a reaction out of me. Look where it got us now.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Cee tilted her head sideways and raised her eyes a little.