Assumptions [58]

"Oh by the way, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked her and noticed her pen stop.

"Ughh I totally forgot about it. There are so many things I want to tell you but this quiz is consuming my time." She then closed her notebook and shifted her chair, angling it in such a way so that she was facing me. I did the same.

"Yesterday, after Zach dropped me home, I was bored so I skimmed through some sites and you're not gonna believe what I found."

"What did you find?"

"The third victim, Sarah, was Paul's wife." She stated, her eyes wide and her hands were extended to express the utter surprise she was in. I didn't know exactly how to react to it. I knew that Paul, Daphne and Sarah were witches. The only surprising thing for me was that Sarah was Paul's wife. It was something Finn had not informed me about. Maybe due to the rush of things he forgot to mention about it.