Keep me company [80]

The smile on his face once again turned into grin as he said, "Is that so?" He again brought his hand to my face, this time brushing my cheek. "Then why are you blushing Katherine?" 

"I'm not." Feeling the rush of blood under my skin, I looked away. He had the tendency to make my blood run faster and I hated to admit the fact. "You need a psychiatrist for that stupid brain of yours." I managed to say at last.

"Then be my psychiatrist." He teased and I grimaced at the choice of his words. 

"I would rather die!" 

"Too bad! I can't let you die. I need you alive." He teased but made me think the other way. Why does he want me anyway? What are his motives?

"Your hair looks good tonight." He complimented and I ran a hand over them. "Killer legs." He said with his stare lingering on the lower part of my body. I thought if that was actually a compliment or some creepy innuendo.