Dispute [81]

"The sky's a little devoid of stars tonight. Isn't it?" His gaze was still at the sky.

"The stars are in the sky. It's the fog and the light that makes them a little faint." I informed, wondering why he changed the topic all of a sudden.

"Probably." He looked at me then. "Just like the truth is in front of you but your eyes are so tainted to grasp it properly." He mocked.

"What are you trying to say Lucas?" I asked. He was again talking in vague way and it was hard to understand what he was really trying to say.

"Exactly what you need to hear." He retorted.

"I don't get you." I was confused.

"Why would you?" He scoffed and took a step forward. "You don't even want to believe me."

That just made me more furious. He was pushing all the blame on me like I was the one who was at fault.