Distractions [116]

"All you have to do now is to focus so you can write something that is intelligible and try to write something in a perfect calligraphy. Once you do that we can move forward with another lesson." Finn suggested.

"Okay." I nodded my head in agreement because that's what I wished for, to learn something other than just concentration.

"So--- Go ahead and give it another try" Finn raised his head now and looked at me.


I closed my eyes once again and focused on my breathing this time. With every inhale, I tried to feel more of my magic and with every exhale I purged out all the negative thoughts like disappointment and frustration. I could lift the pencil easily now and move it as I pleased. So the prime goal was to gather enough magic and enough concentration to write something tangible. I opened my eyes and saw Finn standing across the table with eager eyes and hope on his face.