Argument [138]

As the number of notebooks on his desk began to lessen, my anxiousness began to stir even more. He would give personal remarks before by coming to everyone's seat but today since he was calling out students to the front of the class, I wondered if he wanted to pick out on someone. The worksheets were only meant to check our progress in the subject but the amount of stress it brought was immeasurable. I was alert the whole time because Mr. Cooper was about to drop a bomb, I was sure of it.

"Cecelia Parker and Katherine Grayson come to the front." I turned head instantly when it was called. 

There was a slight confusion. He held both of our notebooks in each of his hands and his eyebrows were furrowed. I noticed there were still other notebooks lying on his desk which meant he had intentionally called us together. Cee was also astonished by this and we exchanged glances wondering what was up with him.