Much needed break [153]

"So what is it?" I could tell she inhaled after saying this as her voice was breathy.

"What have you been doing Cee? Your voice sounds like you have just run miles." I asked.

"Nothing ---- I was just--- jumping on my bed." She responded still panting.

"Hah why would you do that?"

"I was just having a good time at my home since my parents are out right now and they are going to come home late." She said.

"Oh I see. By the way, I wanted to ask you something. Did you remember me giving you a picture of Paul and Sarah?" I asked and at the back of my head I really hoped Cee had that print because the alternative was too scary to accept.

"Umm---I don't know--- what kind of picture was that?" She asked for the details.

"It was taken in some bar. I must have given that last week."