Panic attack [154]

I walked slowly to the dining table and settled quietly. Just as I sat I thought of a possibility. What if Grace was the person who was possessed by the demons. What if she had been their ally all along? It seemed like the most suitable person because I lived with her and she was closer to me than anyone else. If demons wanted to finish me off then they would certainly choose someone who was close to me all the time and someone whom I would least suspect. Grace fit the role pretty well. So was it really her all along?

I picked up my spoon and lightly began to pick up food with it. My hands shook nervously and the uneasiness was beginning to return back from somewhere. I peeked up slightly at her. She was eating her food and when her eyes met mine she smiled a gentle smile. Then she looked away and took another bite from her dish. I forced at my spot. I couldn't tell if she was the real Grace or a demon inside her who was just acting up to fool me and everyone else.