It involves you! [189]

"I'll tell you everything. Just now is not the right time."

"And when will this 'right time' come?" I demanded because I still needed those answers.

"Soon." He said.

I wanted to ask him more but then the waitress strode around the partition with our food. I realized we had been unconsciously leaning toward each other across the table, because we both had straightened up as she approached. She set the dish in front of us, it looked pretty good, and then she turned to Lucas.

"Let me know if you need anything else." She said. I may have been imagining the double meaning in her voice.

"No, thank you." Lucas said without even bothering to look at her and she again left us to our space.

"That color blue looks lovely with your skin." He said, watching me. I was surprised. I looked down, flushing, of course.