Carefree and Careless [190]

"I know you don't want to put me at risk but I still think I deserve an explanation with all the answers." I said, trying to sound more mature instead of sounding impatient.

"If my life is in danger then don't you think I need to know what kind of danger it is or how is it possible that someone wants me dead." I pleaded.

"I get that you want the truth but Katherine---" His eyes locked with mine, "I never said anything about someone killing you, so tell me how did you come up with that?"  Now he was the one demanding.

I gulped. I needed an answer and I wanted it soon otherwise Lucas is going to figure out that something is off.

"Isn't it obvious?" I pulled out the confidence in my voice. "The danger you are talking about, it must be about someone killing me or is it something more terrible?" 

He scrutinized each and every word of mine and I was just waiting for his final reply.

"I am not telling you anything about that." He concluded.