Swift and void [191]

Rain began to splatter with thunderous noise. The streets were soon drenched with water including the surrounding buildings. The sky was suddenly wrenched with grey monstrous clouds and momentary thunders which struck the clouds with loud booming noises.

As the seconds passed, the clouds bellowed with grunge roars like two gigantic rock boulders colliding in the sky. The lightning wasn't of any help. It terrified me more than I already was. I was completely soaked in rain and fear. 

There was no explanation of where the terror began and where it ended. . . it was all over me. And it crippled me.

The men dragged me further towards the near alley and I continued to wiggle my way out of their grip. In the stormy night, no one saw me being abducted by these four men. And I realized there was no one on the street, nor any passing vehicles. The last shreds of hope I have had were also beginning to evade me but I wasn't planning on giving up just yet.