Reflection [210] [Bonus chapter]

"I am afraid these might be related to some demonic activity in Portland. The storm was sudden and is not going to stop anytime soon. I suggest that we should wait for it to subside before we can begin again." He informed.

"Finn? Aren't you a bit apprehensive that the demons might be 

pacing forwards with their plans and we need to buckle up too with ours? I mean you have been teaching me and so far it has been helpful but don't you think we need to come up with a plan soon so we could eradicate this problem for once and for all." I didn't care about how I sounded. 

To be honest, I was scared out of my wits. I felt like the storm was a bad omen. If it was really related to demons then shutting ourselves inside our houses isn't going to be a permanent solution and temporary things couldn't be held for so long.