The demon in the mirror [211] [Bonus chapter]

I froze on my spot and was unable to move, even an inch, with the terror that had invaded my veins and was not preparing to leave anytime soon. 

His skin was inhumanely and full of patterns like scales on it. It was a shade between green and pale, like venom. The whole structure of his body was colossal and behemoth like. He had bulky muscles all over his arms and chest. His face was concealed partly by his long black hairs which reached the length of his arms. Only his monstrous yellow eyes were prominently visible on his face. Rest of his facial features were slightly concealed by the veil of his long shiny hairs.

"There there, did I spook you out little lassie?" His voice was as monstrous as his face was. 

The low pitched growl like guttural voice was horribly spine chilling. I wasn't sure what was keeping me to stand otherwise I would just have fainted by the chilling impact it had on me.