[224] When Zach lost his cool! [Bonus chapter]

"And my my—you look different today." She gave me a once over, coming a little to my side. 

"Do I?" I raised a brow. 

"Yeah, it's like you've got a brand new spark." She observed.

I was well aware about why I appeared different to her. The hassle and the trouble were gone and now comfort and happiness were the only things in my view. 

"Maybe it's just the effect of weather." I said glancing outside the window. The ground was bright with a golden scorching glow and it was undeniably pleasant.

The day was pacing quickly with delightful and auspicious vibes but my thoughts had to ruin it for me. When everything appeared to be pleasant around me my mental state had to be the exact opposite. Lucas's name waltz through my mind a several times and unwillingly I chose to take Cee's words into consideration.