Have we really lost? [234]

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" The voice was familiar but it had an edge today.

Finn turned back and I too shifted my eyes at the source of the sound. Standing in front of us was Grace and she had her hand extended outwards as she induced a migraine to Andromalius.

"What a surprise? I had no clue you were interested in joining the party Grace. It's been a long time Grace." Finn said and the expression on Grace's face only hardened.

"It's been a long time indeed Finn." She said as she raised another hand and Finn cowered in pain, the knife fell out from his hand and now she was controlling both Andromalius and Finn as they groaned and yelled in agony. 

I immediately took the opportunity to run away from them and came to stand beside Grace.

"Grace" I squeaked with tears in my eyes and my throat was heavy, "I'm sorry for all this."