Numbness [235]

"Scared? Don't be! Where did the feisty arrogant girl disappear? Come on give it your best and fail terribly." He shouted as the snake around him launched itself at me.

I immediately crouched down to the ground to dodge the attack only to slip on the moss and sprain my ankle in the attempt. I dodged the attack successfully but my ankle was now the collateral damage and meanwhile when my eyes roamed around, I found Finn pinning Grace to the wall, completely opposite of what the situation had been the last time. Have we really lost?

I suddenly felt something creeping up my leg. Andromalius's snake was halfway to my knee, wrapping and twisting itself around my legs. Its feral eyes met mine and it hissed, making me flinch back with the fearful impact. 

In an attempt to wriggle out of its grip I only made it worse for my own self. It tightened itself even more around my legs and the sprain from earlier hiked up by several counts.