Blind beleif and God [236]

"Bring them here!" Finn shouted from the spot he was on and I instantly turned my head to him. 

"Time to go!" The hideous demon standing beside me announced but instead of me, he moved first towards Grace and picked her up in one swift sweep. 

Carrying her on his shoulder he walked over to Finn and then placed her collapsed body against a tree trunk. Finn tied her around with a rope with quick motions of his hand and then Andromalius headed towards me. As I jumped on to the conclusion of what is going to happen now, the warmth left my body like it was being forced out by the terror that has incapacitated me all over. 

Effortlessly he picked me up from the ground and placed me on one of his shoulder, I tried to punch him in the back and kick him with the leg which had some strength but it had no effect on him. He only laughed more as he was enjoying me struggling in my remaining minutes.