Powerless [237]

The edge of the knife was sharp and as it advanced towards me, I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth to bear with the approaching pain. 

But the pain didn't come. Instead an abrupt massive blow of wind hit my face, its impact almost like a soft but forceful slap to the face. Finn cursed something under his breath and I felt as if he had moved away from me. I instantly lifted my eyes but my view was blocked by Finn's tall frame. 

"This can't be happening." Finn's tone was disappointed as if the tables have turned. 

"Mate? You said you had everything under control." Andromalius passed him a questioning glance.

"Shut your mouth you fool." He yelled and I grew much curious as to what was the cause of sudden disturbance.

"How does it feel when you can see your plans failing in front of your own eyes?" The hilarious tone and the velvety smooth voice reminded me of the person it belonged to.

"Lucas?" I mumbled and attempted to look past Finn.