Pact [238] [Bonus chapter]

"If I may speak, I would like to strike a bargain here!" Andromalius turned to Lucas. "Whatever it is that you have with him, just make sure he hands me what I was promised in return for my assistance." He put forth.

"Of course!"  Lucas let out a satirical laugh, "Of course! But I truly think it is so less that you ask of for yourself. Don't you think you should be offered something much better in return for breaking the rules of hell and indulging in such deed?" He questioned him, but instead of his face falling, I saw much smug on Andromalius's hideous face.

"I can't be held responsible for anything since I was summoned on earth. I am well aware Earth is not for creatures like us. I am here only because I was summoned and I will only go back until I get what I was promised in return." He declared proudly.