Chapter Eleven - What is a sinner doing here?

Sitting under the shade of a large tree Yue Chen ran a knife across a slender wooden pipe he had painstakingly crafted. "It's nowhere near the original....hmmm" thinking back to his Wind Crystal Bamboo pipe he once used he sighed and shook his head. "I'll have to make it work somehow"

Blowing into the pipe Yue Chen moved his fingers along the crude structure of the pipe and creating a melancholic sound. As if washing out his soul the notes resounded in Yue Chen's head, emptying his mind of everything that had happened to him over the past months. Li Yao's constant taunts and belittling, Zhao Xue's contempt and scorn, the emperor's greed even the old man Feng's decisive abandonment, everything slowly faded.

*Clap Clap*

"Wow that's amazing big brother! Can you play it again?" said Little Gila as she ran to his side.

"It's nothing much, I couldn't do much with such a rough craft anyways" Yue Chen smiled at Little Gila and shook the handmade pipe in his hand.

"You sure are a pretentious guy aren't you" walking underneath the shade next to Gila was a young girl who seemed slightly older than Yue Chen.

"Miss Li" Yue Chen said with a faint smile as he stood up "I really can't do much with this flute, I was merely passing time without any further intentions" Yue Chen shook his head.

"Why are you so formal? Can't you call me Li Li like everyone else in the village does?" Jia Li said while pouting.

Jia Li, the daughter of Doctor Jia who had went out before Yue Chen had awakened for ingredients to make dinner had become acquainted with Yue Chen in the blink of an eye as she was very friendly.

"Miss Jia is my benefactor, as her daughter you deserve as much respect" Yue Chen insisted.

"If you refuse my offer aren't you disrespecting me?" Jia Li asked with a puzzled looked.

"Uh.....okay then Li Li" Yue Chen nodded after much contemplation.

"That's more like it! Come on, I'll show you around the village" Li Li laughed while tugging Yue Chen's arm.

"Miss Li there's no need, I won't be staying in the village" Yue Chen said as he broke free if Li Li's hold.

"You're Leaving the Hidden Vermillion Town? You just woke up yesterday, your wounds haven't been healed yet!" Li Li asked with a frown.

"Shh, I'll be fine, I already checked my body my wounds are all gone, besides the slight itch from from my chest I'm perfectly fine" Yue Chen placed his fingers at Li Li's Lips as he glanced at Gila that was walking in front.

Immediately understanding Yue Chen's gesture Li Li lowered her voice "Do you have to leave now? Are you being chased?"

"No it's not like that, I have issues I have to deal with, once I'm done I'll return to the village to live for good" Yue Chen shook his head "the peaceful atmosphere here is really soothing, mn I'll definitely return some day" he said with a nod.

"When my mother found you a few months ago you were battered and bloody, you had broken so many bones, not to mention the hole in your chest, whoever is chasing you obviously won't let you go if you go out again and you're discovered! just stay here and live with us, besides my old lady would give me a mouthful if she found out that I simply let you go" Li Li said in a lowered tone . "Besides Gila likes you a lot, she's already attached to you after a day, she'll be sad to find out you left"

"....." walking along the narrow dirt road into the village Yue Chen and Li Li arrived at the Village Square.

The village square was noisy and bustling with life and everyone seemed to be preparing for a grand event as people scuttled to and fro in preparation.

"Is there some kind of event?" Yue Chen asked as they entered the Village Square. He had never seen such a hustle in the imperial city as Zhao Yali often loitered on the streets, rendering the citizens immobile with fear, were they to cross paths with that hot tempered princess.

"Tch!" the thought of the arrogant Zhao Yali just seemed to irritate Yue Chen, causing him to frown.

"I-is there something wrong" Li Li asked as a trace of fear flashed across her face as she felt a malicious aura coming from Yue Chen.

"Oh, it's nothing, sorry" regaining his self awareness Yue Chen retracted his aura with an apologetic look upon seeing Li Li's pale complexion.

While Yue Chen wasn't very strong within the imperial city, a normal village girl who had never cultivated before would not be able to withstand his aura. Seeing as to how Li Li silent bore with it Yue Chen felt horrible.

"T-there will be a festival soon in the square will you stay a bit longer?" regaining her composure after Yue Chen had calmed down Li Li inquired slowly "The village organized it to welcome you, after all"

" To welcome me?" with a puzzled look Yue Chen pointed at himself. Besides the lashings he would receive whenever he insulted the emperor Yue Chen had never gotten anything from anyone growing up.

"Come on, hang around for a few days and you'll see" noticing Yue Chen's surprised look Li Li dragged him by his hand into the village square.

"I don't think I can stay, I'll never be able to have a peaceful night, knowing that smug bastard emperor and daughter pair are living a comfortable life" Yue Chen thought to himself while nodding to Li Li.

"Yue Chen?" Li Li called out with a troubled expression.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" looking into Li Li's eyes Yue Chen replied lightly

"'s nothing" Li Li shook her head and began dragging Yue Chen once more, attempting to keep up with Gila who had hurried ahead.

Soon the trio came across a small store wearing a small signboard reading " Doctor Jia"

"Mother doesn't feel comfortable with people being treated in our home so this place was built by the villagers for her to work in" Li Li explained as they arrived next to the small building.

"Come in" Doctor Jia called from the inside.

The trio walked into the relatively small building. The interior was clean and amiable, the walls and ceiling were completely white, placed neatly at the side of the small room was a table with various tools that Yue Chen had never seen before as well as a few small beds for patients to rest on.

Closing the door behind her Doctor Jia looked at Yue Chen seriously "Alright kid, now that your fine and dandy I want you to answer my questions honestly, Who are you and where are you from? Who was that old man that brought you here? and most importantly...What is a sinner doing in the Atlia Empire?"