Chapter Twelve - Giving up on Cultivation

"Sinner? I don't understand what you're trying to say Doctor" meeting Doctor Jia's gaze Yue Chen shook his head in confusion. It was his first time being called a sinner.

"....." an expression of disbelief remained on Doctor Jia's face while she moved to a seat at the corner of the room.

"My Name is Yue Chen, I'm from the Gou Family of the Zhao Empire"

"What about the expert that brought you here? who was he?" Doctor Jia inquired slowly.

"Expert? I'm sorry, I have no recollection of meeting the expert you've mentioned" Yue Chen said with an apologetic look.

"Wait a second, you said you are from the Gou Family? Your family name is Yue, are you an adopted child?" Doctor Jia tilted her brow, seemingly interested in Yue Chen's identity.

"Yes, I was taken in by the Gou Family, i have never seen my birth parents nor do I know if they are still alive, I don't even know their names" smiling bitterly Yue Chen disclosed his personal information, not having parents had led to him experiencing a tormenting childhood...

"I see. Now your answer will decide whether or not I turn you over to the imperial Zhao family" Doctor Jia nodded after Yue Chen finished his recollection "What is a sinner doing here?"

"I already told you....I don't know what you're talking-" before Yue Chen could finish he suddenly recalled his cursed sigil that would glow crimson from time to time.

Noticing Yue Chen's reaction Doctor Jia scrutinized Yue Chen with suspecting eyes.

"Do you mean my cursed brand?" Yue Chen looked at Doctor Jia with a bit of reluctance and helplessness.

"I thought you would feign ignorance once more" Doctor Jia said with a raised brow "You don't know the history or how fatal your brand is do you?"

"History?" since nothing good ever came of his cursed brand Yue Chen had never really spent any time trying to understand it nor obtain any knowledge on it. It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that a random stranger might know more about Yue Chen's curse than he did.

"What I know is simply common knowledge but bearers of the cursed sigil are known as sinners, as to why they were named in such a manner is unknown, Sinners are known to bring misfortune and death in tow with their every step" Looking at Yue Chen with a knowing gaze Doctor Jia recited all she knew about Sinners which wasn't much to begin with.

"Yue Chen I'm going to have to ask you..." with a serious gaze Doctor Jia said "to stay indoors after the festival"

Turning around Yue Chen was ready to leave. it was only normal that Doctor Jia would want to throw him out to keep both her daughter and disciple out of harm's way. Hmm? Did I hear correctly? Turning around Yue Chen met with Doctor Jia's eyes but they didn't carry the hostility that someone who saw a cursed child would have. instead she seemed completely relaxed, even more relaxed than when Yue Chen had first entered the room.

"What? Did you not hear me?" unsure if Yue Chen had been listening Doctor Jia tilted her head slightly as she asked.

"I'm a cursed child staying with you will only make your life difficult, your sincerity is appreciated but I won't make your life anymore difficult" Yue Chen took a polite bow and prepared to leave. Before he could advance another step a loud thud echoed in the room.

Holding his head from the pain Yue Chen subconsciously stooped and curled up into a ball with his face in his lap while writhing in pain.

Lying on the floor behind Yue Chen was a silver tipped high heel sho that had been thrown at him viscously.

"Do you think you're special because of a little red tattoo? Do you think you're the only one with one of those? Li Li go ahead and show him" Doctor Jia said, turning her gaze to her daughter.

"W-what? No way!" crossing her hands over her chest in a protective manner Li Li's face flushed red.

"Haha sinners aren't any different from a normal human being as far as I can tell, it's safe to say they are simply unlucky in most aspects of life" Doctor Jia nodded at Yue Chen before standing up once more. "Since you are no longer able to cultivate there is no reason to run around in the outside world anymore, you'll only invite trouble upon yourself."

"I'm no longer able to cultivate? but my body is in perfect condition, I'm still at the third sky of the Nascent realm!" Yue Chen didn't believe a word Doctor Jia said at this moment, he could feel that his power was close to entering a completely new realm, the Human realm!

"Li Li you didn't tell him" Doctor Jia suddenly turned to look at Li Li who had hung her head in shame then shook her head, she knew how softhearted her daughter could be and realized she was unsuitable for relaying bad news

"When I found you a few months ago your Life Container had already been broken and your ribs had been completely fragmented, after only a few days your body had completely healed, it seemed unreal at first but at closer inspection I realized the life energy from your body was being released then absorbed by your wounds. I temporarily slowed the leak but the instance in which your qi flows through your body, like a broken dam everything will come pouring out. It might seem like your body is healthy but your lifespan is less than half of what it was due to the massive loss of life force.


As if struck by a bolt of lightning Yue Chen's body numbed and collapsed onto the floor, his lively black eyes suddenly lost its light and his expression was blank.

In the Era of Cultivation, those who chose to walk the road of cultivators valued cultivation more than life itself. For Yue Chen who was one such person, it was as if an invisible wall had suddenly come down, crushing Yue Chen along with all his aspirations and hope for the future.