Chapter Thirty - Welcome Back

Now that the imminent crisis of being chased was put on hold . we will up seeetty boy who spent his days studying herbs huh...." teased Bo Yang while patting Yue Chen's shoulder.

"Says the guy that stalks a city girl as a daily routine for three years!" Yue Chen retorted defensively.

"I did no such thing, I was admiring the clothing, unique personality,hairstyle and contour of said person nothing more"

"If that isn't stalking then tell me what is" now that he knew it was Bo Yang for sure Yue Chen recalled his daggers and asked the question that had been bugging him since the beginning.

"Ah Yang, the day I escaped from the empire, when you were-" before he could finish Yue Chen was interjected by Bo Yang

"That's enough greeting for now, we aren't exactly blessed by the circumstances to have a leisurely chat"

"It's fine we're headed to the Western Seas, the Empire's network doesn't spread that far" assured Yue Chen.

It was already a huge shock that the empire had managed to locate him after two years.

"It's impossible to hide from the empire as you are now, I heard the king has many ties in the All Seeing Pavilion as well as another intelligence network that remains unknown."

All Seeing Pavilion! how could he forget about this hidden power!? The pavilion was essentially an information broker so his location was bound to be known by them. All Yue Chen could do now was move forward discreetly.

"There is a way to stop Emperor Zhao's pursuit but you'll have to leave the Saintless Continent" Knowing Yue Chen might refuse to travel outside the continent given his extremely laziness that holed him up in the Empire two years ago.

"Okay" Yue Chen turned in the direction that Tan Tan and Zhao Xue had run off and nodded before heading in the same direction.

Bo Yang's mouth gaped open, gazing at the Yue Chen moving in the distance, thinking he'd misheard "Hey wait up, you're willing to leave the Saintless Continent!?"

"It's just leaving the continent isn't it? no need to get all fussy about it" with an irritated look Yue Chen sped up. He knew Bo Yang was poking fun at him again and didn't bother to entertain him.

"You're such a grumpy old man!" with an exasperating sigh Bo Yang scratched his face. Realizing he was being left behind he picked up his pace "wait for me grandpa!"

"Stop following me muscle brain!" fed up with being jabbed at Yue Chen increased his own pace until he was practically running.

15 minutes later

Spotting Tan Tan in the distance with Zhao Xue in her arms Yue Chen slowed down as he neared the two. Zhao Xue had both internal and external injuries but neither seemed fatal.

Patting Tan Tan's head Yue Chen smiled "You're surprisingly obedient" as he said this Yue Chen took Zhao Xue into his arms then looked over at the dwarf captain that he had kept waiting.

"You made me wait now you'll have to pay transportation fees" throwing her head to the side the dwarf captain puffed and boarded the ship.

Followed by the light tapping of shoes against the floor a cloaked figure landed next to Bo Yang.

With his acute hearing it was impossible for Yue Chen to miss the faint taps and immediately he turned to look at the robed figure. A familiar yet unfamiliar feeling swept over him, causing him to grit his teeth in silence. "Would you mind lifting your cloak, I have a feeling that we have somewhere before" by the time he had finished both his daggers had already materialized in his palms. He knew the person next to Bo Yang was dangerous without a doubt.

"...." unresponsive the cloaked figure remained still.

"Fine I will remove it myself" swinging his blade at the cloaked figure's throat Yue Chen anticipated a swift retreat. If the person was as lethal as his instincts were telling him, they would dodge his attack without much effort.

Bo Yang who was watching from the side shouted at the top of his lungs "Yue Chen wait!"

"!!!"surprised by Bo Yang's sudden behavior Yue Chen froze up momentarily in shock. Not at Bo Yang's shout but at the figure's actions!

"With your cultivation no one present can lay a finger on you, why didn't you dodge?"

Pulling down the hood the figure revealed a familiar face "It looks like I was wrong" as tears beaded down her cheeks Zhao Yali gazed at Yue Chen with a tender yet hurtful look.

"Why is Zhao Yali here!?" withdrawing his blade that was now slightly stained with blood Yue Chen shot a look at Bo Yang in confusion.

Wasn't this the woman that attempted his murder two years ago?

"You haven't changed, waving your blade at whoever and whatever that stands in your way" talking between sobs made her almost inaudible but Zhao Yali continued "I knew you wouldn't remember, I know the pain I caused you, of course you wouldn't remember"

"Stop acting like we were close, we barely knew each other let alone being on friendly terms, our only interactions were as master and servant" listening to Zhao Xue speak as if they were on friendly terms Yue Chen felt the urge to puke.

wiping away her tears vainly Zhao Yali raised he head to meet Yue Chen's eyes "Do you remember our meeting 9 years ago?"

"Stop feigning stupid princess our first meeting was six years ago, during the annual meet" Yue Chen squeezed his fists so hard faint cracking sounds could be heard. Just looking at Zhao Yali made him upset. The countless mistreatment he'd received over the past years was enough to anger any saint

"Our promise, lest the sky is torn apart and the earth swallows us whole we shall never part, " a glimmer of hope shone in Zhao Yali's eyes as she spoke, betraying the bitter tears that washed her cheeks as she looked at Yue Chen.

"should the flames of life tarnish our flesh, our spirits shall always unite, never to be separated from one another" Yue Chen wiped the tears from Zhao Yali's eyes as he recited their oath. Suddenly all of Zhao Yali's past actions made sense. Knowing her sour habit of taking revenge, if Zhao Yali had awakened before he did everything seemed less gruesome.

"Mn" Zhao Yali nodded at Yue Chen's words and moved closer to snuggle in his arms but noticed the sudden obstacle in the form of a human being. "You've slept enough haven't you"

"Good morning" rubbing her eyes Zhao Xue glared back.

"Chen'er" Zhao Yali shot a disdainful look at Yue Chen and snorted.

"yeah" Yue Chen nodden and placed Zhao Xue down. A single glance was enough to know what she meant!

"Jeez you gave me such a rough time for petty revenge? I was wondering how I offended the snobby princess" teased Yue Chen.

"It's all your fault meanie!" Zhao Yali pouted and launched a playful punch at Yue Chen.

"Ahem" feeling the situation was becoming too awkward for a single guy to handle Bo Yang couldn't help but clear his throat.

"W-well let's get moving!" embarrassed that she had displayed such a behavior in public Zhao Yali felt her cheeks lit up and hurried towards the ship.

"Dai" Yue Chen called out to the flustered princess. "Welcome back"

Freezing in her tracks Zhao Yali twisted with a delicate smile "Mn!"