Chapter Thirty One - Past Transgressions

Gazing at the blue sky as the sea breeze combed through his hair, the feeling of having nothing to do drove Bo Yang to boredom. Sitting still for eight hours had made him numb and uncomfortable. It was now at the point where he had started to count the seagulls and sparrows swimming above the sea's surface. "Ninety four, ninety five, ninety....six"

"Come on, I met him first you can't have him all to yourself!"

"Chen'er, who do you prefer, me or her?"

"Obviously it should be me, you're the one always picking on him!"

"shut up, what do you know!?"


Yue Chen who sat in the middle of this confusion had decided to delve into cultivation, completely closing off the outside world and leaving the two to argue among themselves.

"Agh come on where was I.....ninety eight? a hundred and eight? " In an attempt to stay above the chaos Bo Yang struggled on with his count

"Chen'er..." Biting her lower lip Zhao Xue pounded against Yue Chen's cheat softly

With a playful smile Zhao Yali bit Yue Chen's neck, certain it would disturb his concentration.

Sure enough Yue Chen's body shivered slightly before returning to it's tranquil state of emptiness.

Bo Yang had already stopped counting, staring on with reddened eyes while placing a curse on Yue Chen in his head. "Curse you Brother Chen, your fortune with women shall be your misfortune....."

"Achoo!" rubbing his now red nose Yue Chen glanced at Bo Yang. Now should be a suitable time to inquire about what happened after he had left the Xuan Empire.

"After you had left Li Yao was persistent on chasing you but without the wind attribute or wings he was forced to use the entrance to the empire, after Li Yao had left Miss Yali fed me a strange pill that saved me and reconstructed my body"

"Strange pill?" intrigued by Bo Yang's words Yue Chen couldn't help but ask.

"It's a Nirvana rebirth pill, one of the only pills capable of saving someone at the brink of death, it was also the only one my father the emperor had" Zhao Yali interjected timely, brushing the idle hairs from her face to behind her ears, awaiting Yue Chen's praise

Seeing through Zhao Yali's intentions Zhao Xue smirked "And how did you get your hand on father's life-saving pill?"

"I.... borrowed it"

"A hypocrite and a liar you're nowhere near deserving of Chen'er's affection!"

"I dare you to say that again"

Almost half an hour later

Panting and gasping for air the pair of sisters shot deadly glares at each other as if they were tigresses watching prey.

Noticing the person they were fighting for wasn't even present Zhao Yali forfeited the glaring contest while ignoring Zhao Xue's contemptuous and smug behavior that resulted over a minor win.

At the other side of the ship

Cross legged Yue Chen was circulating the Seven Shadow Forging Technique while trying to withstand the pain that came with it. After his fight with Bo Yang his qi had become restless. He had already broken through to the third sky of the human realm overnight yet his qi was still overflowing which came as a surprise to Yue Chen.

Though Yue Chen was unaware, he had been subconsciously absorbing the qi of all the persons he had killed which was then turned into his own qi. With the number of soldiers he had killed he would soon enter a new realm.

Satisfied with his progress Yue Chen stood up and stretched lazily. According to Bo Yang the assigned battalion commander for the unit was originally Li Yao but was later changed after he was sent on a separate mission. Bo Yang after receiving the news from his source intercepted the news before it had arrived at Li Yao's battalion. He had finally managed to discover Yue Chen's whereabouts after impersonating Li Yao and assuming his authority yet Li Yao's actual location and purpose remains unknown.

"Still thinking about it?" Zhao Yali pushed the door open and frowned "Bai- I mean Yue Chen, you're thinking of a method to solve everything on your own aren't you" as she said this Zhao Yali pouted and arrived next sitting next to him.

"!!" Yue Chen's body momentarily shivered and goosebumps surfaced all over his body. "It's an uncontrollable reaction" Yue Chen said while pushing everything to the back of his mind.

"I understand" even though she said this Zhao Yali couldn't help but feel depressed at Yue Chen's reaction. Even her presence had negative impact on the person she loved, how could she not feel disheartened?

"You should have been gentler in your approach y'know, you're such a beast" Yue Chen said and flicked Zhao Yali's nose.

"Who are you calling a beast?" grabbing a handful of flesh from Yue Chen's waist Zhao Yali performed a perfect 180 twist.

Yue Chen grimaced but bore it silently. He was astounded at how identical Zhao Yali's technique was to Li Li's though they had never met before. "Only beasts answer all problems with violence let's be more civil-aiai" before he could finish Yue Chen's flesh received another 180 twist.

"You're the last person allowed to tell me that" finally releasing her hold on Yue Chen Zhao Yali pouted as she rested her head against Yue Chen's shoulder "back then you razed the church's facilities to the ground overnight in a bout of anger-"

"Shut...shut up!!" overwhelmed by a sudden overflowing rage Yue Chen felt his entire being surge with an unfamiliar force. At the same time a horrifying stabbing pain assaulted his brain.

"Chen'er!" watching Yue Chen writhe in pain all Zhao Yali could do was cry.

"" Yue Chen groaned as uttered the words through gnashing teeth.


"I remember now how you betrayed me Dai"

"Chen'er we've just been reunited after countless centuries-"

"Reunion? You've been dead to me ever since the day you forfeited my trust"

"Chen'er everything I did was to protect you!!"

"What you did killed me even though I remained in flesh I was hollow inside"

"It was for your safety"

"If you don't leave now I can't guarantee your safety"

"......." Zhao Yali sat still with an expression of helplessness. She thought Yue Chen had reclaimed all his memories already and had chosen to forgive her but it seems she was wrong.

Pressing his dagger to Zhao Yali's throat a cold light flashed in Yue Chen's blade as he prepared to end her life.


The door was suddenly shoved open and a frenzied Bo Yang rushed in "Brother Chen there's trouble!"