Chapter Thirty Four - Yue ManTian's crisis (1)

The space around them kept warping and twisting by the second, the surroundings seemed to constantly switch between tangible and intangible, making it impossible to perceive the true nature of the void.

2 minutes later

The qi surrounding Yue Chen and Yue ManTian grew thinner and thinner until they were completely vulnerable to the void.

"We'll stop here" Yue ManTian made a grabbing motion, tearing the void open in the process. Grabbing Yue Chen by the collar Yue ManTian tossed him out the void and followed closely behind.

"Half my reserves have already been exhausted , it seems two persons is my limit" Yue ManTian landed next to Yue Chen with a troubled look. They had only traversed a few hundred thousand Li in almost 10 minutes and his qi was almost depleted. "Let's go by foot from here on, depleting my remaining qi wouldn't be very smart"

"Oh, so you do have a brain" Yue Chen jabbed grudgingly. First kidnapped, now being brought to another world, was he that vulnerable or was Yue ManTian simply a monster? The more Yue Chen thought about it the more upset he became.

"Hmph! I might have not received thertiary education but I am without a doubt of superior intellect!" Yue ManTian puffed his chest in a childlike manner, despite his adulted appearance his behavior seemed strangely fitting. "Oh! we're almost near the border you see, to avoid conflict I'll be taking a detour around the Vilethorn County"

Judging from Yue ManTian's expression he must have caused a lot of trouble in the Vilethorn County, which would explain the undisguised look of guilt on his face. With such a valuable opportunity to release his pent up anger how could Yue Chen not act?

Yue Chen snickered with a malicious grin

"Ho? is the Venerable Yue ManTian scared?"

"Wh-What nonsense! The Vilethorn County is a mere superpower below out Yue family, what should I fear?" Yue ManTian cleared his throat and strutted out his chest proudly.

"I see, accompanying me inside the city shouldn't be too much of an inconvenience then" Yue Chen chuckled.

"Very well then! Who should I fear below the heavens? I Yue ManTian bear the title of Viscount" Yue ManTian pounded his chest with pride , letting out a thunderous laughter.

"Is that why you ran off with my dowry and never responded to my letters?" a gentle voice whispered in Yue ManTian's ear.

Yue Chen who was standing next to Yue ManTian frowned. Ran off with her dowry?? Maybe there was more to Yue ManTian than it seemed.

Walking from the entrance of the City was a lady who appeared no more than 20 years old, everything about her seemed to give off a unique radiance and her features were without a doubt one of the most outstanding Yue Chen had seen. Her waist length hair was a dark green color and she wore a skin tight outfit that perfectly accentuated her curves, what was particularly eye catching was the pair of perfectly formed mountains of flesh on her chest that were carved to perfection, without a doubt she was a woman of outstanding beauty.

" Xue'er you misunderstand my intentions, shaking his head Yue ManTian reached out to Nangong but was shrugged off in response. "Xu'er, ManTian lives to protect you and Ji"

"If what you do is to protect us then why do you reject us, why won't you bring us home with you?" Nangong Xue

"Cough, I don't want to be rude but this mister here is in the middle of kidnapping a harmless teenager and bringing him to the blood world so can you put this love affair on hold?" though he wasn't very familiar with Yue ManTian, Yue Chen felt he had to intervene for his sake.

"Xu'er, ManTian wishes you happiness but in order to do this , ManTian cannot be with you yet"

Yue ManTian shook his head with regret and sighed, there was too much he couldn't tell Nangong Xue about despite wanting to stand by her side. Glancing at Yue Chen he felt this little brother wasn't all that bad.

Turning around Yue ManTian headed for the road that detoured around the Morning Star City. Looking at him from behind Yue Chen could tell there was a force at play that Yue ManTian doesn't dare to offend. What was so freightening that even a sky realm had despondent?

"It turns out even idiots wear serious faces" Yue Chen attempted to cut through the tension and received a cold snort from Yue ManTian.

"keep spouting bullshit and I'll throw you into the void" Yue ManTian's foolhardy behavior from earlier completely vanished, replaced with endless worry and agony.

"....." Yue Chen didn't continue the conversation, he knew Yue ManTian was conflicted and decided it wasn't a convenient time.

Within a few hours the two had made a complete detour around Morning Star City and arrived before what seemed to be a translucent wall covered in red haze that stretched from the depths of the ground and far up into the sky with no visible end. It was the protective layer that seperated both worlds. According to Yue ManTian the barrier was erected more that 25,000 years and has never been broken through. Only those of the blood world were able to freely traverse between both worlds, a form of filter designed to keep the blood world safe.

"Wait!" standing before the barrier was a little girl dressed in a blue phoenix dress, she looked a few years younger than Yue Chen but the aura spilling out from her body showed she had recently broken through to the middle of the Disaster stage.

"Xiao Ji" the moment the Yue ManTian made eye contact the wall he had steeled himself to put up almost came crashing down. Wearing a grim look Yue ManTian sighed "did your mother set you up to this?"

"Father, don't leave me behind again" standing with her arms outstretched Nangong Ji refused to give way to Yue ManTian.

"Move" Yue ManTian ordered, his voice boomed like thunder in Nangong Ji's ears.

This father she had known all her life, though he had never missed her birthdays he never once spent more than 5 minutes in her presence. Her longing for her father's attention made her work harder, harder and even harder hoping the next time he came, he would take her with him. But this time was different. This time Yue ManTian hadn't cared for her well-being, he had gone as far as taking a detour around the city so as not to meet her, what's worse was the boy he was with. How can he spend time with father but I can't? this isn't fair!

"Hey you, bug off will you? you're in the way" tired of standing by the side Yue Chen decided to take action.