Chapter Thirty Five - Yue ManTian's crisis (2) hi

"You!" Yue ManTian was about to lash out but suddenly became silent

"Your old man here doesn't want to tell you so I'll do it for him" Yue Chen's eyes swept over Nangong Ji and he smirked. "the reason you are being left behind is because you're such a burden but your father doesn't want to say it"

"father he-" Nangong Ji moved her attention to Yue ManTian, hoping he would say Yue Chen was wrong but the look on Yue ManTian's face was enough. "I'm sorry, I'll take my leave" tears streamed down her face as she said this. Turning away, Nangong Ji left in a hurry.

" thank you?" Yue Chen asked with a shrug.

"F*** off " throwing Yue Chen a middle finger, Yue ManTian placed his hands together and made a polite gesture towards the barrier "Yue ManTian of the indirect Yue linage greets senior and seeks passage"

"Yue ManTian? back already? I thought you wanted to travel the world for another four years?"

"While I was travelling Senior Han I met someone that changed my mind" as he said this Yue ManTian looked over at Yue Chen and shook his head. This child was too troublesome to deal with, it would be best to lose him as soon as possible.

"Ah, I see" Senior Han responded expressionlessly

In the next moment the barrier started to vibrate violently, ripping open a passage for the two to pass through.

"Yue ManTian, are my birth parents really on the other side?" now that he was near his goal Yue Chen felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He had already made up his mind to live his current life as his past life was merely a relic of the times so finding his parents had become an important task for him.

"Don't just stand there, boy" Yue ManTian made his way to the other side with a heavy expression, it was clear the issue with Nangong Ji had affected his mood.

Awakening from his daze Yue Chen "Can't you be quiet you ungrateful bastar-"


Before he could finish the entire world around Yue Chen spun and the next moment the sky was in his face. Lying face up Yue Chen knew he'd suffered internal injuries and most of his ribs were broken.

"U-uh ah.." Yue ManTian looked over at the collapsed Yue Chen in confusion then at the gatekeeper "Senior Han..did you?"

Senior Han shook his head, his deadpan expression hadn't changed in the slightest.

After a few minutes Yue Chen sat up while his head was still spinning from the incident. "You a**hole, are you trying to murder me!" the ironic taste in his throat made Yue Chen infuriated. Yue ManTian had almost gotten him killed!

"The barrier is meant to keep foreigners away, first timers all experience the same rejection" after a while Senior Han finally spoke up, putting Yue Chen's accusations to rest.

"Rejection? Doesn't that mean I can't cross over?"

"Not exactly, try again" Senior Han shook his head with the same expressionless look on his face.

Yue Chen nodded and stretched his feet, he could feel his bones were recovering quickly. After a few minutes he stood and prepped for his second attempt. Afraid he would experience the same rejection from the barrier Yue Chen circulated his qi around his body as a form of protection. Yue Chen marched forward with heavy strides and he narrowed his eyes as he came into contact with the barrier. Surprisingly there was no resistance and he easily passed through.

"I brought you here, now I'll be heading out once more" Yue ManTian chuckled at Yue Chen and waved him off . He didn't plan on going any further from the entrance. "I'll convey a message to the Yue family via telepathic talisman so be on your way"

"Oh" Yue Chen immediately understood Yue ManTian's intention and nodded. He was a person with issues of his own, after all.

"Thank you" at first Yue Chen resented Yue ManTian for suddenly kidnapping him and moving him to an unknown continent forcefully but quickly came to understand Yue ManTian's personality. Since Yue ManTian wasn't the type to use his brain often he acted purely on strength and arrogance. Now that Yue ManTian had brought him to the place he had been searching for a feeling of gratitude surfaced in Yue Chen.

"Even a haughty brat like you knows how to express gratitude, it'll rain pigs tommorow!" Yue ManTian chuckled and turned away "if you still want to thank me after you get to the Yue family wait a while longer!" as he said that Yue ManTian turned and fled immediately.

"Hais, for such a young man with a bright smile ManTian hides many sorrows" Senior Han sighed and shook his head and merged into the void once more.

Yue Chen was so enamored by the dense qi in the blood world he hadn't heard anything Senior Han said nor notice his disappearance.

"The qi here is a lot denser than the other side, is there a reason for this?" Yue Chen thought to himself. If he was born into the Blood World Yue Chen estimated his cultivation would have atleast been doubled!

Fascinated with his find Yue Chen had already started in a direction unknowingly until he came to a realization. He was lost