Chapter Forty Two - Who would that be?

The moon lurked above the heads of millions of lives, hiding away behind the fleeting clouds like a bride revealing her bare skin before her husband for the first time.

Beneath the veil of moonlight came countless shrieking voices and bloodcurdling cries. The streets had been drenched in blood and the sickening scent of blood travelled the air.

"P-please spare my family, I only did as the Bishop commanded, we couldn't refuse...aaah!"

Standing above the lifeless body that sprayed fountains of hot blood a masked silhouette held a silver blade that glistened in the moonlight as blood flowed from it's edge. The masked figure twisted in the direction of a enormous building made of pure diamond and gold. At that moment the hatred inside the masked silhouette could no longer be hidden as even his eyes gave of the desire for blood. An unrestrained, violent bloodlust surrounded his body as he released an agonizing animal-like scream. As the sounds died down the silhouette melded into the shadow as if it were a fish returning to water.

The once serene night was drowned in cries all over the city and all that could be seen was the in the pale night was the flickering, flailing shadows of the buildings and walls, as if they were given life. Emerging from the shadows was the same masked silhouette. Taking his first step onto the stairway made of pure green Jade hundreds of light footsteps could that could barely be heard made their way to the masked figure followed by a group of over a hundred persons dressed in black that neatly blocked off his entrance.

"Leader Chen don't do this, we don't want to raise our weapons against a comrade!" a feminine voice greeted the masked figure. It came from a woman with a slender build who had short green hair that came down to her nape. Her face was covered , only showing her strangely colored eyes that stared down at the figure at the bottom of the stairway.

"Heh,Squad leader don't hold this against us we're just following orders!" a tall figure from the back stepped forward and with a flick of his wrists small needles filled both hands. Before he could take another step forward an almost invisible, thin line swept pass his neck and the world seemed to turn upside down instantly.

The masked figure glared at the headless body at the top of the stairway and began his climb. "Stay out of my way" as he said this an insurmountable pressure erupted from his body, rendering everyone present unable to move.

Brother Bai Chen stop this, fighting against the church means going against....are .....risk.."

Yue Chen! This time a loud 'bang' against the door shook the entire Yue family household. The entire training room that had been covered in ice trembled from the force.

Hearing Geng Huan call his name dragged Yue Chen back to a semi lucid state and his full eyes gave off a pale light. There was blood in his mouth and his arms were numb from the cold. The true energy in his body was in a disarray and he had more than just a few broken bones. This was the backlash of having the Frozen Immortal Body interrupted partway through.

"Yue Chen, respond if you can hear me!" this time Yue Feng's voice came from behind the training door followed by repeated banging noises.

Yue Chen opened his mouth but nothing came out. His throat was burning from the backlash - no sound came out despite his efforts.

"This is the second time I'll have saved your life, once you ascend be sure to repay your debts brat" Yue ManTian snickered as he tore open the void and entered the training room. With a flick of his finger Yue Chen's body rose into the air and disappeared into the void.

A few hours later

When Yue Chen finally opened his eyes for the second time the first thing that greeted him was a soft, solemn face that seemed to be in distress. "Fairy Huan, why is it that everytime I see your face it is so hideous?"

Geng Huan flicked Yue Chen on the forehead and sighed "don't push yourself, the doctor said you should speak as little as possible until you have fully recovered"

Geng Huan's worried expression was a big shock to Yue Chen seeing as the two weren't relatively close and had even fought before.

As if understanding what his gaze meant Geng Huan smiled "Seeing you reminds me of my older brother, stubborn and foolhardy. His eagerness often left him scarred and bruised" as Geng Huan conveyed her thoughts to Yue Chen her soft smile turned contorted into an expression of rage. "Almost a year ago my brother got into a fight with a young master of one of the Great Families, a few days after he went missing and no one has seen him since, be careful on the other side"

Yue Chen nodded, showing that he understood. Even without Geng Huan's warning Yue Chen would be unable to find the time to make enemies once he got to the main family.

After he was able to stand on his own Yue Chen was lead to a spacious area near the square of Khaggurin City. When they arrived there was already a group of five waiting at the square. While they were called a group they didn't exactly look like they got along well.

With an amused look a male from the group stepped forward "So you're the one we've been waiting hours on, you look pretty beat up did someone bully you?"

He was almost a head taller than Yue Chen with chestnut colored hair. If one payed close attention patches of scales could be seen on both his arms and chest. Along his loose emerald robe was the name Mo Gui embroidered from golden thread with a serpent- the mark of the Mo family.

After listening to the male's ridiculing tone Yue Chen smiled and nodded "I'm Yue Chen, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

"That's it? don't tell me you're afraid you'll offend me? hahahaha, even a pig has more backbone!" Mo Gui snickered and shook his head.

Yue Chen smirked and passed by Mo Gui, nodding at the group present then stood at the side like everyone else.

Mo Gui, ignored by Yue Chen became enraged immediately. Twisting in Yue Chen's direction he was prepared to march over there and teach him a lesson.

Geng Huan who stood by Yue Chen say this and was preparing to protect Yue Chen should Mo Gui come over.

"You b-" before he could utter the words from his mouth Mo Gui felt as if he was hit by a block of ice and his entire mind went numb. All it took was a single glance in Yue Chen's eyes and his will to fight immediately crumbled. When was the last time he had felt so cold? Even his younger brother who plotted his death countless times couldn't incite such an intense reaction!

Yue Chen smiled at the petrified Mo Gui and turned his gaze at the other members of the group. Among those going to the next city were a few familiar faces he had seen before.

Feeling Yue Chen's gaze leave his body Mo Gui relaxed. How could someone his age have such a pressuring intent?! As he recalled Yue Chen's pitch black eyes, as if a vicious demon god were resting in it's darkness, waiting to devour him whole! as he recalled Yue Chen's smirk Mo Gui was covered in sweat. H-he doesn't want revenge does he? no no no I didn't do him any wrong did I?

Geng Huan who was preparing to defend the helpless Yue Chen from Mo Gui's hot blooded temperament was suddenly confused. Mo Gui's angry expression went from angry to confused to worried in a matter of seconds had the Mo family's young master finally lost all his screws?

"I see everyone is here, stand in the array and I'll send you off, Yue Chen be sure to pass on report on our behalf" Yue Feng's voice was crisp as he prepared to send everyone off.

Yue Chen nodded. Yue Feng had given him the Yue family's report earlier on to pass on to the family head since he would be going to the next city. Normally Yue Feng would have to spend half a year moving between the two cities so this was more convenient for both of them.

"And take good care of Huan'er for me" Yue Feng added

"I..will" Yue Chen spoke hoarsely. There was a slight pain from speaking that made him wince uncomfortably.

Yue Feng heaved a sigh of relief and was about to begin the incantation.

"Tell Yue ManTian to face his wife properly" despite the pain he felt Yue Chen felt like leaving behind a few teasing words for his kidnapper.

"Yue ManTian.....? who would that be?" Yue Feng asked with a puzzled look.

As he heard Yue Feng's words and his genuine look of confusion Yue Chen furrowed his brows