Chapter Forty Three - Returning to family

Nalan was twenty this year. As a young prodigy of the Nalan family Nalan was entitled to a dangerous lifestyle all her life. Unlike most young masters Nalan grew up in the territory of demon beasts. Through many years of hiding and escaping the fangs of ferocious demon beasts her sensitivity to killing intent and bloodlust was extremely keen. It had been fourteen years since she had left the family to pursue a unique method of cultivating, today was the day she had finally broken through to the Peak level of the Disaster realm with enough insight the Nirvana realm was only a step away!

"My name is Yue Chen, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

Awakened from her daze by the newcomer Nalan looked over at Yue Chen for a moment. His waist length black hair was tied together by a woolen cloth and fluttered as the wind blew. He wore a red robe with it's edges covered in deep red sigils. It was the Yue family's sigil. His facial features were sharp and his eyes were a soft black. He seemed like the average debauchery young master at a single glance.

Did the Yue family have a Young master I didn't know about? Nalan was kept up to date with the happenings between the Great Families despite being away for a long time. Yue Chen's sudden appearance sparked her curiosity but eventually died down after a few seconds. He appeared to be a docile young master who was only good at playing with women after all.

Nalan closed her eyes as she stood in position. It was only a matter of time until the transfer array started.

Before her thoughts could wander her entire body grew frigid instantly and her eyes bolted open. No matter how much she surveyed the area there was no trace of the killing intent she had previously felt. Her line of sight trailed to the freightened young master Mo who was shaking in his boots and the smiling Yue Chen who was on his way over. A faint smirk spread across his face then disappeared. Yue Chen stopped a few steps away and turned to greet the person next to him.

Yue Chen nodded at the person nearby and stood a few meters away. It was none other than the wasted monk person he had met on his first day in the Blood World.

Yue Feng started an obscure chanting before the group. As if it was responding to his chant strange lines crisscrossed on the ground.

The air around the group warped continuously until the scenery before them had completely changed.

"...." standing at the transfer array was a girl with dark blue hair dressed in revealing clothes that could barely even be considered clothing.

Yue Chen and the strange girl exchanged looks of surprise and exclaimed

"it's that girl"

"it's that poor boy"

Yanyu titled her head "wait that outfit doesn't look like a poor person's, was I conned?"

"changing cities does a lot to the ordinary guy's pocket y'know" Yue Chen sighed and shook his head to express his helplessness. "And I never expected to meet you in the blood world, are you our guide?"

Yanyu revealed a confused look then a playful smile "maybe?"

"Forget it you look like scatterbrained fool, there's no way you would be a guide" figuring he would be lead by his nose if he listened any longer Yue Chen stepped out of the area of the transfer array.

The city was bustling and it appeared as if there hundreds of thousands if not millions of signs of life in the city. This was where the Main families were rooted and the capital city of the Eastern blood world , a place mere city could never hope to compare with, it was the Yibbusian Empire.

Standing in the square were 9 guards, each wearing a symbol representing the Nine Great Families.

Seeing as the number of guards coming to receive the group it could be seen there were a few persons who decided not to take the transfer array.

"miserly boy, didn't anyone tell you it's bad manners to walk away in the middle of a conversation?" Yuyan caught up to Yue Chen with a pout.

Yue Chen was not in the best condition to banter as his throat still pained from the incident even his flow of True energy had become a bit chaotic. "..."

Yuyan was a lady that was used to the attention and adoration of multitudes so Yue Chen's passive action to ignore her was a something new to her "How can you ignore a beautiful young maiden so callously?!"

Geng Huan who was by Yue Chen's side, upon seeing the two greet each other initially thought they must have been on good terms prior Yue Chen's arrival to the blood world and decided not to needlessly meddle in their business. Even while being next to Yue Chen the entire time it was apparent that Yuyan hadn't taken notice of her presence.

Yue Chen arrived before the guard clad in red and came to a stop. The red guard nodded, indicating he would lead the way and started walking in the direction of the Yue family. As they came upon a enormous building titled 'Yue' an elderly man came to greet them.

"Who?" the old man's gaze travelled between the three until finally his gaze landed on Yue Chen "a-ah welcome home young master!"

"I-is it my son?" a middle aged man stumbled out of the inner courtyard to greet the group as well.

"Return to the inner courtyard Master Nan, your son will surely return home someday" the elderly man assured Yue Nan as he stood between both parties with a pitiful look.

"I....I see" dejected, Yue Nan's shoulders sagged. Forcing a laugh he turned and left, dragging his feet as he went.

Yue Chen stood in place. His heart was palpitating at an abnormal pace. Slowly there was a strange feeling welling up that he couldn't explain.

"C-come i.....will take you to Master Tu" as he said this the elderly man led the Yue Chen through the main courtyard. Master Tu's courtyard was located at a secluded corner of the Yu family and took almost half an hour to get there.

The elderly man approached the door of Master Tu's room and was about to knock when a rough voice came from behind. "Do not touch my door, I will come to you"


The door was pushed open and a young man came out of the room welding a lit pipe. His forehead bore a scar that stretched to his lips along with his deadpan face gave off a menacing vibe. "uooah! Chen'er you've grown a lot over the years!