Chapter 48 - Feng Huang, the charming phoenix


An ear piercing cry rang out above Yue Chen's head as a flaming figure flew in circles menacingly. Yue Chen gritted his teeth and covered his eyes as the scorching heat approached him. Soon enough it became clear to him that this creature was something he had only read about in books back in the empire. "A Phoenix at the middle of the Nirvana realm" Yue Chen thought about whether or not he should attempt to capture it but immediately dismissed the idea. It would be bad if there were stronger ones out there that would came after him. Over time Yue Chen noticed the Phoenix would fly lower and lower until it eventually crashed onto the flowery field, forming a crater atleast twice it's size. The injured phoenix gave Yue Chen a hostile stare, causing the heat in the atmosphere to suddenly elevate rapidly. If it were not badly injured Yue Chen would have been turned to a pile of ashes in the next second.

Yue Chen ignored the searing heat as he approached the Phoenix that seemed even smaller than when it was in the sky. Blood flowed from beneath it's enchanting scarlet feathers as it gave out a weak cry.

Yue Chen jumped at the opportunity to befriend the sacred creature, should it suddenly feel healthy enough for a human snack it would think twice before making him the first meal. Retrieving a set of medical equipments from his spacial ring Yue Chen arrived next to the gigantic creature with a solemn expression. The heat from the beast made his sweat evaporate as he tended to it's wounds. After he had stopped it's bleeding Yue Chen withdrew two true energy pills from his storage to restore true energy, one which he fed to the beast and one to keep his true energy that was protecting him from dispersing. Before Yue Chen could swallow the true energy pill a thunderous roar came from the distance followed by constant rumbling sounds from the toppling trees that shook the ground with each passing moment.


Towering above the two was an enormous serpent-like creature covered in bright yellow scales almost like that of a dragon. Instinctively Yue Chen avoided it's gaze and clenched his fists. A basilisk? if he knew this would happen Yue Chen would have ran away and left this overgrown bird as serpent dinner!

Taking a closer look there were areas of burnt flesh, blood and scales that were falling from the serpent's body, obviously it wasn't in a much better shape than the Phoenix behind Yue Chen. Taking a deep breath Yue Chen made up his mind and approached the colossal basilisk with an outstretched arm. "Come here I will fix you up"

The stunned phoenix gave out a surprised cry and shot Yue Chen an angry look. Similarly the basilisk was confused at Yue Chen's actions but moved towards his arm regardless. Just as his arm had come in contact with the basilisk Yue Chen pulled back and retreated, barely escaping the serpent's fangs.

"He's the one you're after right? don't involve me in this!" Yue Chen said nonchalantly while hiding behind the injured sacred beast. The disappointed creature let out a low cry and lowered it's head. Today it had learned how despicable a human being was.....

The colossal basilisk opened it's jaws and venom shot out at Yue Chen, blotting out the moonlight above him. Yue Chen tapped the sacred beast's injured body, enclosing it in a pale blue light causing the sacred beast to disappear then dived into the distance to escape the serpent's range. Yue Chen didn't wait for the colossal serpent to attack again and started to dash in the opposite direction. Without hesitation Yue Chen plunged into the surrounding trees and greenery and cut of his presence. If he was lucky the injured beast would forget about dinner and not follow after him.

Just when he thought he could finally rest the crackling sound of the trees around him being violently torn to pieces made Yue Chen jump into motion. The colossal serpent's aura was atleast the peak sky of the Nirvana realm. Not only was Yue Chen a sky lower but demonic beasts were known to possess more destructive power than a human at the same cultivation level. Yue Chen gathered his true energy and applied [Dance of the Shadow Demon] and quickly escaped the colossal serpent's range. Feeling the sense of danger fade Yue Chen took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Even though the threatening feeling had disappeared Yue Chen's survival instincts made his hair stand on edge while he hid his presence more carefully. "It left?" before the words had even left his mouth Yue Chen felt the uncomfortable dread from earlier cover him in an instant and a blurred figure slammed into his body sending him crashing through the forest trees. Yue Chen wrapped his arm around the bark of the tree closest to him to regain balance mid flight and propelled himself further into the air. As if he had already anticipated the serpent's attack from behind Yue Chen conjured a wall of ice to lessen the impact. This time with enough preparation Yue Chen used the force of the serpent's strike to turn away mid air and landed further in the distance.

Running away was no longer an option at this point. If the serpent were to continue like yhis he would wear out become he could escape. Yue Chen closed his eyes and calmed his overly tense body. Deep inside his soul was an unfamiliar carnal desire that had been constantly and forcefully surpressed. Feeling the animalistic desire pervade his entire being Yue Chen felt an overwhelming joy for freedom .

The basilisk glared at Yue Chen from the distance with the look of a hunter watching it's prey. Suddenly there was an eerie presence that erupted from Yue Chen's being, making even the basilisk known for it's ferocity shudder.

Black wings of grandeur had sprouted from Yue Chen's back and his teeth had grown into fangs while his pupils had become a glowing silver. Yue Chen clenched his fists and felt an unreal power fueling his entire being, in this state maybe not even family head Zhu Mu could look down on him!. As he mused at his own transformation Yue Chen questioned his own origins but soon his eyes trailed back to the yellow scaled basilisk.

Yue Chen stomped on the ground, propelling himself forward like an arrow released from a bow and darted towards the serpent.


Aiming for the flesh wounds that had been deprived of their scales Yue Chen drew deep cuts with his hands and ripped open the serpent's body. "so easy?" Yue Chen found it strange that the previously adamant creature had become docile before it had perished but soon threw the thought to the back of his mind as he enjoyed his own life that he had just preserved.

As if he had remembered something important Yue Chen took out a jade ring and injected his true energy into it. A soft light shot out from the ring revealing a small figure inside. Inside was a fair skinned girl with a huge bite mark above her abdomen that continued to pour blood obviously it was the same phoenix Yue Chen had saved before.

Red perfectly groomed hair double braided to reveal a sculpted, serene beauty. Creased brows rested above her weary red eyes, set dreadfully within their sockets..

There was something inexplicable about her, perhaps it's a feeling of sadness which her bothered expression gave off or perhaps it was simply her gentle feel. But nonetheless, her presence made one want to please her. The young lady grabbed her knees in an effort to hide her precious parts but the sudden pain from her abdomen made her grimace. "D-dont look you beast...." even though it was obvious Yue Chen had saved her she remained upset about his attempt to jump to the serpent's aid a while ago.

"Don't worry I won't do anything, I'm not a bad person" Yue Chen raised both hands into the air and took a step back to show his sincerity. He wasn't surprised that the Phoenix would be able to assume human form since he encountered a similar case in his last life.

"I don't trust you, don't come any closer, molester!" the red haired girl cried out with a completely red face as she turned away.

Despite Yue Chen's fatigue a certain part of him was energetic enough to pitch a tent....

"Cough... it's a basic reaction for a healthy male" Yue Chen scratched his cheek and turned his back to face her.

Yue Chen attempted to make idle talk to shatter the awkward atmosphere "who are you and why were you fighting that thing?"

A feeble voice came from behind "Feng...Hua"

Feeling her reply was strangely faint Yue Chen looked around and an saw a pale faced Feng Hua and immediately moved to her side.

"Let me....clothes" Feng Hua gave Yue Chen a weak tap that could barely be considered a push as she gasped weakly.

"Don't bother, they'll only get in the way" Yue Chen brushed Feng Hua's palm aside and approached the wound on her abdomen. First he tried to inject true energy into the wound and forcefully draw the poison which only made the poison more lethal. Seeing as his first attempt had failed Yue Chen had no choice but to manually remove the poison with his mouth.

Feng Hua let out a low cry while tears came to her eyes. This was the first time she had been in such a helplessly embarrassing situation and also the first time a man's lips had touched her body.


Yue Chen spat out a venomous black blood onto the floor then applied his mouth to Feng Hua's abdomen for the second time.

A while later

Tu! spitting the final bit of poison from Feng Hua's wound Yue Chen was beading with sweat. In order to prevent the poison from spreading he had attracted it to his own body using force which turned out to be a meticulous task.

"M-move away so I can get dressed, pervert" Feng Hua said in an embarrassed tone as she glanced at Yue Chen's still erect 'tent' then at the ground.

"Right" Yue Chen turned away awkwardly. Have I always been this easily aroused? While Feng Hua was the most beautiful woman he had seen in two lives Yue Chen found his ability to abstain was strangely weak.

"Okay I'm done" Feng Hua stated, still flushed in the face.

Yue Chen turned to look at Feng Hua for the second time and could feel his own heart skip a beat.