Chapter 49 - The Ancient Beast Continent

After a few minutes of questioning Yue Chen had found that Feng Huang was from the Vermilion Phoenix clan, descendants of the ancient beasts that had less than thirty percent of the it's actual bloodline, in other words an impure phoenix bloodline. Feng Huang unlike her brothers and sisters had an abnormally high concentration of the ancient ancestor's bloodline, over eighty percent to be exact.

"I've heard of your bloodline's ancestor is it who I think it is?" Yue Chen gave a questioning look. Among the known textbook knowledge of ancient beasts there were two known types of Phoenix in the continent: Vermillion: the purest of Phoenix blood and Cold Flame: the hybrid of the Phoenix said to have fallen from grace to attain power far surpassing the original, Feng Huang belonging to the former.

Feng Huan's brows creased as she pondered whether to tell her ancestor's background or not. "The Vermilion Phoenix clan isn't from the bloodline you are familiar with"

Yue Chen raised his brow at Feng Huan's words. Even as knowledgeable as he was there was not much he knew about the Phoenix bloodline. Even without being told Yue Chen realized there must be something about her bloodline that made the basilisk pursue her.

Feng Huan saw Yue Chen's curious gaze and averted her eyes. "The basilisk family are subservient to another family located further in the mainland, I doubt they have what it takes to make huge decisions without consent which means that family is openly picking a fight with our Phoenix clan"

Yue Chen nodded absentmindedly while surveying his surroundings. Up until now there had not been any other person from the arena that had been transferred to the world he was in or near where he had been transferred at the very least. He had learned of the continent and where he had been teleported- The Ancient Beast Continent, the Beast God's Temple.

While it was called a Temple the Beast God's Temple was more of a huge forest maze with a series of lethal and non lethal trials confined in a separate space from the Ancient Beast Continent. Both humans and demon beasts would travel from around the continent for a chance of an inheritance from the Beast God's Temple.

At the mention of inheritance the absentminded Yue Chen seemed to be somewhat more focused. Giving a curious look he shifted his gaze from one place to another.

Feng Huang noticed Yue Chen's gaze and immediately thought to warn him of the dangers "If you try entering alone you will die without a complete corpse, the guardian of the first trial is at the peak Spirit stage and only those below the spirit stage can take part in the trials"

While receiving an inheritance was an appealing task Yue Chen's eyes shone for a completely different reason- the plain storage ring that he had worn around his neck shone with a dull silver-black light and reacted with a magnetic pull as if attracted to some great force. This must be because of the beast God's Temple no doubt, or atleast that's what Yue Chen thought. Ever since he had obtained the ring this was the first time it had reacted so strangely.

"Mister?" Feng Huang waved her palm at Yue Chen's face while calling him from his daze. Ever since he had heard of the inheritance this strange boy had become lost in his thoughts. Feng Huang shook her head with regret of disclosing the information she had, all it took was a few sentences and greed had already crept into his mind.

'ter.....ister...Mister!...uh are you listening?" Yue Chen finally woke from his daze. Ever since he had taken notice of the ring's attraction a nostalgic feeling made him bitter for some reason. "Yes I'm listening" he nodded.

"Oh really? what did I say just now huh?" Feng Huang pouted, poking at Yue Chen's forehead. She was sure he hadn't heard a single word she had said and she was right about it too.

"It's still nighttime don't attract any stray beasts here one is already enough for me to handle...and it's Yue Chen, not 'Mister' " Yue Chen changed the subject swiftly.

"Are you referring to me you uncouth man with no sense of loyalty??" Feng Huang remarked defensively.

"Why would I be loyal to someone I only just met?" Yue Chen shrugged.

"You were going to treat that serpent's wounds too weren't you?!"



"Bai Chen there's no reason to do this! turn yourself in and I'll have the supreme one lighten your punishment!" a woman wearing a lab coat splattered with blood stood before the lone figure of a masked man.

The masked man laughed lightly and staggered forward. Blood spewed from his wounds like an expired fountain and his body slanted with exhaustion. The silver mask on his face was now covered in the blood of the people who once swore loyalty to his name. "Bai Chen? That name has been lost for what might have been 10 years to you but a millennium for myself I am the remnant of the Monarch of the holy light that shines dark in even the brightest of days, isn't this what you wanted Mrs.Bishop no....Dai Dai.

"Bai Chen the path you have chosen is stained with the lives of your brothers that have fought by your side , slain with your own sword, be it a hundred years or a millennium or even though your reincarnation there is no place in this world for someone like you!" Bishop Dai gave Yue Chen a twisted yet loving smile.

"No matter how many times I reincarnate nor how many times I start over I will remember this 'gift' you have passed to me and until these stained hands of mine tear apart everything you live for my wrath will never subside!" Bai Chen gave a maniacal laughter, plunging his hand into his own chest .

"Self destruction? Even if I am to die another vessel will once again appear in this world long before you are reborn!"


Yue Chen woke up with a bitter taste in his mouth. His hair had become fringed and tangled and currently there was an enormous weight pressed against his chest trying to squeeze the air out of his lungs. Pushing Feng Huang's feet from his chest Yue Chen sat up. Far in the distance various species of ancient and colossal beasts had already started their day. In the trees above them were birds the size of horses perched on the large branches eying their next meal, cries of . As he took in his surroundings Yue Chen heaved a breath air. Whenever he had previously had a dream like the one he had experienced last night it were as if pieces of a large puzzle had started to move together at a slow pace last night however, if his previous dreams were droplets of water falling into a dry lake then his latest dream was a heavy rain that had stopped too quickly.

"" Feng Huang gave a lazy stretch as she woke up. Surprisingly she had let her guard down around a total stranger, if her brother knew of this there would be no end to it. "Hm? did your cultivation increase last night? you seem a bit different, a little apathetic even."

"Your eyes are playing tricks, get up and show the way to your clan, waste too much time and I might just head to the inheritance trials instead" Yue remarked lightly but at the same time was impressed by Feng Huang's exceptional detection skills.

Feng Huang frowned and fired a response in return "Be my guest, you're the one who's going to end up as a corpse!"

The journey back to the Phoenix clan was faster than Yue Chen could have ever anticipated, by crushing two pearl-like marbles the air around them had distorted, eventually revealing what turned out to be their next destination- the home of the Phoenix people. Unfortunately what awaited them was a bloody sight neither of them had expected.