Chapter 54 - The Fallen Dragon (1)

Yuyan retreated to the side evading another column of fire and launched countless projectiles at the beast. Frail weapons like throwing daggers were not meant for tough opponents like these and would not be a good match for contending the dragon. There was only so much she could achieve without tapping into her sealed abilities or showing her trump cards.

The Dragon maintained a passive fighting style despite it's anger, only shooting columns of fire and baring it's fangs while occasionally attacking with it's claws yet it was still able to force the group back without any trouble. Yue Chen looked over at the panting Yuyan then at Ning Biyu that was barely able to stand. It was clear they were contending with something way above their own abilities. Yue Chen moved forward grasping his longsword and struck out at the dragon which proved ineffective and could only retreat.

Ning Biyu clenched her tiny fists from frustration, the moment the dragon appeared warning signs started to go off in her head and her worries soon became a reality. This dragon was most likely above the Nirvana realm and was something only Ning Biyu and Yanyu could take on if they released their full potentials, with this thought in mind Ning Biyu saw both Feng Huang and Yue Chen as dead weight that cramped her fighting abilities.

Yue Chen stepped forward and stored his longsword knowing it would be of no help against the dragon's scales, circulating his ice attribute he frowned "Yuyan do you think we can handle this?"

Yuyan was surprised by Yue Chen's initiative and moved forward as well while summoning her strongest weapon "your jokes are rather tasteless, we cannot gauge it's strength and you keep holding back there's no chance" despite her remark Yuyan was already in battle mode, brandishing her weapon. The blade was expertly crafted with a perfectly sharp edge, and had delicate patterns etched across it. It had a decorative guard, a detailed coffee grip, and a pommel decorated with silver strips. It was rather heavy for a sabre yet perfectly balanced and was comfortable to use for a long period of time. This was the Ning family's treasure : Blood Choking Sabre, a treasure at the Lower sky Obsidian grade.

There were eight grades of weapons classified within the Ancient Beast Continent namely Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Obsidian, Diamond and Mythical. Copper weapons were cheap and could be bought at a town blacksmith and Bronze was slightly more expensive. Silver grade weapons were the most commonly used weapons in battalions and would cost half of a small family's yearly income. Gold grade weapons were even more expensive as it was said to be able to cut through boulders and was only affordable to the young masters of big families. Platinum and Obsidian grade weapons were rare and could only be produced by the dwarf race's master blacksmiths which made them hard to find in blacksmith or weapon stores and were sold at an astronomical price by those who possessed them while some were for sale at all. The production method of Diamond grade weapons and above were said to have been lost ages ago and weapons of the higher grades have never been seen for centuries.

"You....!!" after seeing Yuyan's weapon Feng Huang instantly knew of her origins. Casting a dumbfounded look at Yue Chen she wondered how he managed to befriend the Ning family's ace.

Fwoosh! The dragon spat a ball of black fire at the group that covered the entire width of the staircase. Unless one could fly there was no way to dodge the oncoming attack. A pale blue light flashed causing the black flame to flicker and extinguish before it could make contact with Yue Chen. The instant Yue Chen had started circulating his ice attribute an intense chill poured from his pores causing a thin layer of ice to cover his body, this was the double edged technique his father Yue SoRan had invented [Frost of The Sleeping Dragon].

Boom! Yue Chen propelled himself towards the dragon, leaping upward to dodge the swipe of it's tail then landing a few feet away from the creature. Yue Chen was almost beneath the dragon which was a good blindspot to begin his onslaught. Icy true energy converged at center of Yue Chen's fist as he threw a punch at the dragon's upper stomach.

The dragon let out a low growl and wanted to fight off Yue Chen beneath itself but was threatened by the oppressive aura of the weapon that Yuyan wielded which made it infuriated. Under Yue Chen's barrage of strikes the damage had started to accumulate in it's upper stomach though not fatal.

"You're almost out of ice attribute energy, depend on me more and I'll lend you my power" Bai Chen whispered to Yue Chen.

"Fat chance, you're rearing to wreak havoc aren't you" Yue scoffed. Bai Chen was right, given a few minutes more his ice attribute would be drained and there was little results to show for it. Yue Chen clenched his fists and threw another punch but felt something was amiss. The ice natured true energy in his body was completely depleted and the dragon's attention had shifted to the bigger threat that was Yuyan. Yuyan was in the middle of an assault midair when the dragon's gaze locked onto her.

Ning Biyu's eyes widened. Her body could not handle large amounts of true energy which meant she would run out of true energy faster than the average person. Despite urging her body to move she knew she would not make it to Yuyan's side on time even if she were to undo her restraints.

"Bai Chen!" Yue Chen shouted with a helpless expression. Yuyan had entrusted her safety to him. If she were to die there would be no one else to blame but himself.