Chapter 55 - The Fallen Dragon (2)

"Finally gave in?" a crazed smile spread across Yue Chen's face.


An violent explosion came from overhead, bringing Yue Chen back to his senses as it flung him over the edge.

"He's gonna fall off!" Ning Biyu jumped into action reaching out her tiny arms to grab Yue Chen but did not have the energy to pull him up and was also pulled over the ledge.

Realizing that not only were her efforts in vain but she was also pulled over, Ning Biyu's eyes widened "Sh-shit!"

"Biyu!" Yanyu rushed out but could not make it in time to save the two and could only watch as they plunged into the darkness below. Yanyu furrowed her brows in an upset manner as she turned to look at Feng Huang whom had just shot a ball of fire at the dragon. The blast had no technique nor control which resulted in the explosion reaching Yue Chen as well. "should Biyu die I will send your ghost to accompany her!'


Bai Chen Age 23

I.....survived? wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth Bai Chen rose to his feet. Dai Dai laid before him in a pool of blood, a stiff smile on her lips. Bai Chen could not understand the feelings that overwhelmed him in that moment, screaming at the top of his lungs, Dai Dai's last words were almost incoherent yet there was one thing he was sure of - his revenge had was not complete.

"Humans.....humans are vile, why must they torment me so??!!" Bai Chen widened his eyes in a maddening rage, incidents of his lifetime flickering through his head. "Humans have betrayed me, the God's have forsaken me"

A man dressed in white robes worn by the church's saints appeared next to Yue Chen, passing him a small bead sized jewel. "The God's have revoked your blessing and branded you with a curse, the church has betrayed your loyalty and so have I,, I am no longer fitting to be called your sworn brother. I have also betrayed you, Monarch Chen.

"..." Bai Chen looked up at the young man with a blank expression. This man was the last person he expected to throw his trust yet he could have never been more wrong. pulling his bloodied blade from Dai Dai's corpse he pointed it at the man. "I will have your head!" before he finished Bai Chen had already appeared behind the saint, stabbing at his heart.

"You are quite the wanted man for every country to have a bounty on your head, Monarch Chen" the young saint tilted away from Bai Chen's blade. "given your current condition even a child could be your opponent, if you want to kill me so badly you should come find me after you've recovered.


The saint sighed helplessly "I see you dislike my company, I'll be taking my leave then" as he said this the young man collected the corpse before him before disappearing. "The next time we meet Monarch, I will surely take your head"


Yue Chen's eyes bolted open as he surveyed the area with an alerted gaze. He had fallen into a shallow stream and had a few broken bones but this would not reduce his mobility too much. Just as he was assessing his own situation Yue Chen noticed there was blood flowing down the stream towards himself. Yue Chen followed the trail of blood and soon found a collapsed Ning Biyu upstream. Her injuries were much worse than Yue Chen's since there was little to no true energy to protect herself from the fall,her ribcage was fractured and her eardrums were ruptured while her left arm was dislocated, judging from the height of the fall she was lucky to be alive.

Yue Chen frowned after checking Ning Biyu's condition. There was a violent dark energy corroding her body from the inside. When he switched with Bai Chen his dark true energy would become a corroding force to all living things which was an unbearable sensation for anyone on the receiving end. The pain would feel like having scalding water poured onto your skin constantly but a hundred times worse. Ning Biyu was currently unconscious which spared her from the pain but would have to wake up eventually.

Yue Chen carried Ning Biyu in his arms disregarding his own injuries. There were no village nor doctors in the inheritance space which meant he would have to find his way out in order to save Ning Biyu's life. Yue Chen immediately started to look for an exit to the inheritance space. After a few hours of searching and being unable to find an exit Yue Chen became desperate. "Bai Chen you can remove the dark energy corroding Ning Biyu am I right?"

"Oh, you finally called for me, sadly the nature of our shadow attribute is destruction - it was meant to destroy the living not save it so their is nothing neither you nor I can do to save this little lady" Bai Chen replied with a relaxed tone. It was clear that whether Ning Biyu lived or died was a trifling matter to him. Yue Chen was used to his complacent attitude and did not take it to heart. Yue Chen continued to search for somewhere to rest and tend to Ning Biyu's injuries but his search brought no results. Rivers and streams would often lead to villages which was the basis behind his search but after following the creak for so long Yue Chen had started to doubt the knowledge of his past life. Unable to go on any longer Yue Chen decided to rest in a patch of grass near the stream. Just as Yue Chen had relaxed he noticed a figure further up the stream.