Chapter 57 - Denial and Acceptance


Another loud explosion was heard nearby and the entire city was trembling from the aftershock.

Yue Chen was already on high alert, frost energy emanated from his body as he circulated his true energy.

"Be at ease, we are in no immediate danger" Ein assured the group "The shaking will cease in a moment"

Just like Ein had said, the rumbling soon came to a stop and peace was restored to the city.

Yue Chen would take glances at Ning Biyu to see her trying not to fall over in her weakened state. Every step forward was like a feeble branch dancing in the wind, making her wobble from side to side. Unable to watch any longer Yue Chen took Ning Biyu into his arms as if he was carrying a baby.

"R-release me this instant, I'm not a child!" Ning Biyu protested, throwing her fists wildly.

"Save your strength, keep holding onto so much pride and you wont live to see the inheritance" Yue Chen replied, smiling awkwardly at her statement.

Eventually with little strength to retaliate Ning Biyu compromised and was carried by Yue Chen on his back instead while following behind Ein and Agyth.

Ein led the group to a tall building which stood at a forked path that ran in three directions and an erected sign read Divine Water Palace

"It's time you fulfilled your end of the deal" Ein glanced at Yue Chen.

Yue Chen who stood behind Agyth suddenly knocked her unconscious before throwing her over his shoulder.

" The gate will take you outside the inheritance space, you will all be blacklisted by the space so there will be some time before you can re-enter" Ein explained as he opened a gate leading to the outside world. "Take care of my sister"

"I have to get brother Ning to save my sister" Ning Biyu mumbled while sliding down Yue Chen's back and heading for the gate.

"I hope you can understand, sister" Ein mumbled with a determined look in his eyes.

Yue Chen nodded before walking towards the gate. "Take her to the phoenix tribe" Yue Chen said, throwing Agyth in Ning Biyu's direction.

Ning Biyu who was halfway through the gate toppled forward as Agyth came crashing down on top of her. "Yue Chen... you!"

"I have unfinished business in this space, I'll find my way back when I'm done here" Yue Chen gave a light laugh as the gate closed behind the two. He was curious as to why her family had sent a kid like her to a inheritance space.


A few hours ago

Using his telepathic abilities Ein communicated with Yue Chen's mind "help me get Agyth outside of the inheritance space and I'll pledge allegiance to you, the Shadow Emperor. Not to mention saving the girl, I will even help you to regain your past glory and destroy that which you loathe so much"

The reason Ein had to rely on Yue Chen was simple. With Agyth guarding him there was no way he could take action against her as she would surely evade him. While Ein had exceptional insight Agyth far outstripped him in terms of physical prowess.

"Why would you swear allegiance to me, with the knowledge at your disposal you should know of my sins" Yue Chen asked, doubtful of Ein's motive.

"The world is boundless yet inescapably small at the same time. I have seen your past and I still pledge allegiance to you hence your reason for doubt, however I believe now is not a suitable time to discuss my reasons" Ein opened his eyes and a pale violet light came from them as he continued "despite being the most terrifying monarch in terms of fighting capabilities your cognitive and comprehensive skills are poor. your memories have been fragmented yet you sought not to repair them but to condemn yourself as well as everyone from your past"

"Show me the way back to the Dark Dragon" Yue Chen ignored Ein, hoping he would talk less.

"First, let me aid you in recovering the memories of the Shadow Monarch" Ein insisted.

"I refuse" Yue Chen immediately stood up and walked away.

"Running away isn't the action befitting a king, an act of cowardice" Ein made a shallow smile at Yue Chen

Yue Chen laughed at Ein's words and strode in the direction of the the underwater city's entrance. "There are some things that must be done before others, I am not as shallow as to fall for your provocations"

Ein smiled, silently approving of Yue Chen's decision.

As they moved towards the source of the earlier explosion the two arrived at the entrance of the city next to the transfer array that lead to the upper world.

Lying on the seabed near the array was a huge Kraken , its large tentacles protruding from underneath its titanic body. On the crown of its head was a single horn-like object sticking out like a sore thumb. The Kraken lifted it's tentacle, slamming it against the underwater city's barrier causing the city to tremble more violently than before.

"That's the Colossal Mother, the guardian of the western sea. One of her children was accidentally killed during our hunt and now she plans to destroy our city as reparation for harming her kind. She has even gone as far as blocking the array that brought you here, shutting off our exit" Ein briefed Yue Chen on the situation.

"Are you expecting me to fight a beast surpassing the Spirit realm? surely you have overestimated my abilities." Yue Chen asked doubtfully.

Ein smiled "I have faith in the Shadow Emperor's abilities to survive perilous situations."

A dismal look surfaced on Yue Chen face. After his fight with Patriach Renshu the ring he carried on his being not only almost killed him but had caused a drop in his realm. With his strength at the Disaster realm's first sky forget a Spirit realm, beating a lower Nirvana level was the greatest feat he could perform.