Chapter 58 - The Bitter Dragon Princess and Yue Chen (1)

Huang Feng gasped for air, beads of sweat sliding down her pale cheeks. Her big lifeless eyes seeming as if they had lost their luster glared up at the undead dragon that blocked her path.

This was their third time retreating to safety since Yue Chen and Ning Biyu had fallen. The undead dragon was stationary, unwilling to move away from the path which it blocked which made it impossible for the two to pass.

"Letting your guilt eat you up right now will only make you an even bigger burden" Yuyan stated harshly.

"I never should have agreed to take him here" Feng Huang muttered to herself, her pale lips trembling and tears in her eyes. The guilt she felt due to her uselessness was weighing heavily on her.

Deflecting a ball of fire Yuyan clicked her tongue at Feng Huang "How long are you going to whine? if you want to survive, distract that thing for a moment!"

Hearing Yuyan's irritated tone made Feng Huang snap back to reality. Conjuring a sphere of fire several times bigger than herself, Feng Huang shot at the undead dragon.

Crackling sounds of thunder came from Yuyan's body as white sigils of light appeared along her arms, running along her shoulders to her nape "Out of the way!"


Yue Chen gave a helpless sigh and shook his head. There was no way for him to kill a beast an entire realm higher than he was while relying solely on his Ice Attribute.

With his hands clasped Ein chanted"[Fluid Movement], [Reinforce Defense], [Boar's Strength]"

Feeling his body lighten Yue Chen was shocked to realize Ein was an Enchanter. With his help perhaps a miracle could occur. Just as Yue Chen was prepared to take action a throbbing sensation he was familiar with occurred.

Badump! Badump!

A silver light flashed in Yue Chen's eyes and his previously hidden sigil shone mixtures of black and white light as it extended around his body. Fangs grew from his mouth as his clarity became hazy. Yue Chen snapped in Ein's direction with hostility and distrust in his eyes.

Ein shook his head franticly, signaling he played no part in Yue Chen's transformation. Yue Chen was dumbfounded as this was the first time he had taken on this beast-like state without his life being threatened.

The kraken shuddered at the animalistic aura that emanated from Yue Chen's body. As if feeling threatened, it lashed out instantly attempting to crush Yue Chen beneath its gigantic tentacles.

"It's tentacles secrete a deadly poison, dodge it!" Ein called out to the dazed Yue Chen. To his surprise however Yue Chen did not heed his warning, instead grabbing the incoming tentacle with his arm that had warped due to his transformation.

Watching Yue Chen parry it's attack with relative ease the enormous kraken trembled fearfully before lowering it's head in submission. The fear it felt was not just due to how formidable the human before it was but an instinctual fear- something that made even it's bloodline quiver.

Yue Chen's transformation was short-lived. His transformation was undone and his consciousness returned. Yue Chen surveyed his own body in a strange bout of confusion. The beastification he underwent had come and go in a flash- almost as if it had never occurred to begin with. The reason behind this was nowhere in sight which made Yue Chen cast another doubtful gaze at Ein.

Ein could feel Yue Chen's piercing glare of hostility and caution and felt wronged. While he had speculations in regards to the reason behind the sudden beastification, having Yue Chen wrongly accuse him was an awkward situation.

The terrified kraken felt the oppressive pressure on its bloodline disappear and a feeling of relief washed over it's entire being. Looking at the confused Yue Chen the memory of the overbearing pressure resurfaced, ingraining the fear in it's mind. Without looking back the colossal kraken fled towards the seabed until it had disappeared from sight.

With Ein urging him to hurry, Yue Chen came to his senses and headed towards the transfer array.

Yue Chen immediately entered the array with Ein following behind promptly. With his nausea quickly subsiding he headed for the area he had fallen.

"The path here is an upward spiral, the spiritual pressure is attuned to your spiritual sensitivity and a half per element you possess and it is the only way up to the place you previously were" Ein explained while showing him the way up.

Yue Chen frowned at Ein's words. currently he was in possession of two elements namely the Shadow and Ice Elements which means the pressure he would face would be increased threefold. As he approached the stairs Yue Chen could feel his body become heavier. After his next step Yue Chen's face contorted while his body angled forward. The pressure was more intense than it had been a second ago.

Feeling the pressure crush his body beneath Yue Chen let out a grunt. "This isn't what you said would happen, Ein!"

"I did say it was based on your affinity with the elements, however with the curse you've reincarnated with the pressure should be quite lethal" Ein approached Yue Chen with a light smile. "having already pledged my loyalty I will do everything in my power to pave your path forward" as he said this Ein retrieved a pair of scissors from his spatial ring, tossing it in Yue Chen's direction. The pair of scissors as if untethered by gravity slowly landed on his head. With the arrival of the scissors the oppressive force weighing down on Yue Chen was cut in half.

"This is a relic I received from my Agyth but it refuses to make a contract after it gained sentience. I have been using it to cut my power in half but it might be more suited for someone equally as defiant in nature" as he finished Ein sat next to the struggling Yue Chen. "have this relic agree to assist you on your journey as quickly as possible. If you are unable to tame it fast enough one of the girls awaiting your return will soon die"