Chapter 59 - The Cursed Sigil and The Shura Blood(1)

"Do not think ill of me, My Liege. Should I solve your every problem along your path I will inevitably be left to serve an incapable and dependent ruler. Only by using your own power can you attract people to yourself and unite them. As your most loyal follower it is my duty to do nothing but watch you grow"

"You said it yourself, the girls that came here with me might die, I don't have much time" Yue Chen argued while resisting the pressure. The scissor had no trace of spiritual energy nor showed any signs of sentience. An idea came to Yue Chen's mind which drove him to action immediately. Injecting a strain of his Ice attribute true essence into the scissors he focused his senses on detecting any consciousness that may reside inside the relic.

A high pitched hum came from the relic in Yue Chen's grasp as it began to vibrate at an insane speed. Realizing it had made a mistake the scissors quickly returned to being unresponsive.

Yue Chen was irritated to discover he had been fooled by an object with the intelligence of a child. Playing dead again? Do you think im stupid? Yue Chen poured his ice attribute true essence into the relic, inciting the scissor to reveal itself.

"C-coldddd!" the relic spirit whimpered helplessly as the cold element froze over her body.

"You almost fooled me, too bad you're awful at suppressing your consciousness" Yue Chen said with a mocking tone.

"No fair!, bad guy used cold air!" the relic spirit complained, unsatisfied with the outcome.

Yue Chen wracked his brain and made a decision "Look, there are people who are depending on me at the top of that staircase. help me get to the top and I'll owe you a favor, how does that sound?"

"Don't Wanna" the relic spirit refused.

"Fine, i'll just have to seal you away, suppressing your consciousness. Since you're a newborn it'll only take a couple months, a year at best for your suppressed consciousness to fade away. It must have taken quite the time to become a relic, too bad..." Yue Chen sighed helplessly.

"Y-your just bluffing so that I'll help you!" the relic spirit cried out, doubtful of Yue Chen's true intentions.

"Ein can you seal this relic spirit?" Yue Chen asked, giving Ein a blank stare.

Looking into his eyes Ein shuddered. He's...not feigning.....does he really intend to seal it away?. Despite his shock Ein nodded in a timely manner "Are you sure about this? this relic spirit is a newborn at the Peak Nirvana Realm, sealing it away would be a waste"

Yue Chen smiled, casting his gaze upon the relic "A disobedient tool is the same as being defective no need to hold on to trash, right?"

Sensing the malice directed at itself the relic spirit became wary, realizing this human was being serious. "F-fine! you big meanie!"

Yue Chen ignored the relic spirit's cries, retrieving a dagger from his spatial storage he drew a line of blood across his palm allowing the blood to flow onto the weapon. " Wa Jia, for as long as you remain bound by this contract this will be your identity" as he said this Yue Chen a dark light shot from his cursed sigil and onto the relic.

"W-what are you doing to me?!" the relic spirit cried out in fright.

"Swear an oath to me. For as long as I live you will bear my cursed brand."



A loud explosion resounded in the distance, forming a cloud of smoke, chunks of debris scattering in every direction. A silhouette darted from the center of the explosion tumbling down the stairway with tattered clothing resembling rags.

"Miss Yuyan!" Feng Huang rushed to Yuyan's side to help her up but received a glare instead.

"So you had been suppressing your realm in order to enter this space. Regaining your true strength must have taken a toll on you , human" the undead dragon let out a voice of contempt as it had secured victory over the humans.

Yuyan struggled to her feet unsteadily, preparing for a fight to the death but before she could muster her remaining strength an unknown energy ran through her body rendering her unconscious.

"Persistence is not your forte yet you held on, get some rest" Yue Chen smiled, wiping the sweat from his face.

"Yue Chen!" Feng Huang whispered faintly, her eyes lighting up in her glee.

"Pushing through won't be so easy even if I go all out, Huang'er listen to what I'm about to say" Yue Chen contemplated before turning to Feng Huang.


A cloud of smoke rose from the area Yue Chen had been standing and a bloodied figure was thrown to the ground by the force.

Yue Chen picked himself up with blood pouring from the fresh wounds on his arms and legs.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?! Don't be so reckless!" a helpless cry came from Yuyan whom had awakened.

A silver light illuminated Yue Chen's pupils and his previously black sigil shone a similarly bright color.

"Yuyan, it was you who resonated with me earlier, it seems I was right" as he said this Yue Chen retrieved the relic from his spatial storage. Wisps of dark true energy rotated around him and his wounds started to heal at a speed visible to the naked eyes. His dark colored hair had come loose, dangling in the turbulent energy coalescing around him.

"wait, this aura isn't from the resonance.....a berserker race's aura? Yue Chen don't use that power!" Yuyan who was the first to realize the severity of what Yue Chen was trying to do rushed to his aid.

Yue Chen had released all the restraints on his body, allowing the various hidden powers to run rampant, amplifying his strength however, the longer this was maintained both his body and mind would face immense strain.

"I was the one who brought you along, your safety is my responsibility" Yue Chen muttered to his relic spirit. "Should you face danger, flee immediately" The relic in Yue Chen's arm had warped, taking the form of a pitch black sword, vibrating as if to respond to his words.

", you are no human, child of the Shura i do not wish to become your enemy" feeling the suppression of his bloodline the undead dragon could feel the immenent danger looming before him.

With a single step Yue Chen had traversed the distance between himself and the dragon. Before he could strike an enormous claw came down upon him. By the time the strike had landed Yue Chen had already made his way back to his original position.


Yue Chen fell to the floor face first with blood pooling beneath him. There was blood flowing from every orifice on his body and he had started foaming from the mouth.

"Kill him" Feng Huang muttered emotionlessly, her eyes void of life.

Yuyan rushed forward, blocking the approaching Feng Huang "What are you saying? He's the one that saved you just now, have you no shame?!"