Chapter 60 - The Saint of Heavenly Fire and Ning Yuyan Part 1


The undead dragon collapsed onto the stairway, it's head spinning in the air before falling into the darkness beneath the stairway.

Yuyan stood before the unconscious Yue Chen, a cold light glinting from her eyes as she glared at Feng Huang "Another step and ill kill you where you stand."

Feng Huang's eyes shone a crimson light and her gaze was filled with hostility as it landed on Yue Chen. "When the Shura Blood descends the rivers will become red with the blood of fallen comrades. Brethren overcast with greed will point their blades at their own kin, the hatred of the heavens shall be casted down on all whom house the cursed stigmata and the new era will begin" as she finished talking Feng Huang stepped forward, a wave of hot air pulsed outward, sending her hair frolicking in the wind.

"Sanctum's Prophecy, the Shura's revival?" Yuyan frowned as she heard Feng Huang recite a doctrine from the Saint Church's sanctum. "Not that it matters, should the world be saved by his hands then I too shall become a hero but should the ending be his doing I will become a demon" Yuyan drew her Blood Chocking Sabre, her arm shaking from exhaustion.

"Do you intend to oppose Us Saints?" Feng Huang fumed at Ning Yuyan's stubbornness. Raising her arm above her head, lances of fire manifested, pointing in Yuyan's direction.

"[Buddha's Constraint]"


Feng Huan who was about to release an onslaught collapsed onto the stairway, sweat beading down her cheeks as she realized what she had almost done. "I-" She attempted to speak but no words came out.

"Amitabha, this monk heard your soul cry out in anguish and has arrived to quell it's pain, though only temporary this monk hope it brings you relief" a man dressed in monk attire said with a hushed voice.

"Who are you?" Ning Yuyan asked warily. The overbearing pressure of the monk had far surpassed the restrictions of the Inheritance Space, being able to enter without experiencing a backslash was something not even Yuyan herself was capable of which made her tremble involuntarily.

"A show of gratitude would be much appreciated" the monk shrugged then turned around, walking down the staircase "Ah.....when the Young Master awakens tell him Lord Yue Mantian awaits his arrival in the Desolate Domain"

Ning Yuyan watched as the monk slowly disappeared from her field of vision and the strength in her arms left her, causing her sword to fall onto the ground.


Almost an entire day later Yue Chen, Yuyan and an unconscious Feng Huang left the Inheritance space. After regaining some of their strength Yue Chen and Yuyan searched the undead dragon's body and took anything that was deemed useful then decided to retreat. By using the beads he had been entrusted by Feng Yuming the trio had arrived at the entrance of the Inheritance Space.

"You're late!!" Ning Biyu pouted in anger, stomping the ground to express her displeasure.

"I brought her back, like I said I would, cut me some slack" Yue Chen said with a light laughter.

Ning Biyu who was elated at Ning Yuyan's safe return ignored Yue Chen's remark, rushing over to greet the trio.

Agyth glared at Yue Chen whom had tricked her into leaving the Inheritance Space, almost leaving Ein behind. If not for Ein's signal to control herself she would have already lashed out.

After moving the unconscious Feng Huang to her room Yue Chen, Ein and Yuyan were called to Patriarch Renshu's quarter where they reported everything that had occurred inside the Inheritance space.

30 minutes later

Patriarch Renshu sat with his arms balled into a fist, sweat trickling down his chin as he took in everything he was told. "The Shura Prophecy.....the Sanctum's scripture.....sigh." Looking over at Yue Chen he smiled bitterly. He was satisfied with everyone's safe return yet the information that had presented itself made him worried.

Yue Chen stood up, his chair creaking from the sudden absence of his weight. "Ein Prepare for our departure and inform Agyth, we leave in the morning"

Patriarch Renshu shot up from his chair "Yue Chen, where are you going?"

"While the situation is a bit hazy, I figured being here poses a danger to your people. I'll see you around Patriarch Renshu, thank you for your hospitality during my stay." clasping his fist in his palm he bowed politely.

"..." Patriarch Renshu frowned. While it was his intention to repay his benefactor, it was his obligation to protect his people. He wished they could atleast spend the night but he also knew that letting Yue Chen go was the only way to protect his people.

"She's already awake, can you feel it? The aura of the Child Saint is growing stronger" Bai Chen's voice was filled with disgust as he spoke, as if spitting the words from his mouth.

Hearing Bai Chen's words Yue Chen's doubts had been confirmed. Around the same time he had defeated the undead dragon there was a familiar surge of true energy but he was unable to pinpoint the source. Not giving Patriarch Renshu a chance to retort Yue Chen stood up and left the room.

"There is little time left, Forsaken One do you not feel sympathy for the innocent? I plead that you cease this selfish play and become a martyr for mankind" Feng Huang frowned at Yue Chen as he made his way outside.

Yue Chen let out a light laughter as he heard Feng Huang's words. "The saints really live up to their name don't they?" his expression darkened as he continued "the saints are blind to the ugliness of the very persons you wish to protect. The greed, violence, envy and countless other flaws of mankind aren't admonished by the saints no matter how blatantly dire they are!" memories of his past life as Bai Chen resurfaced in his mind and his anger was seething as Feng Huang spoke.

"You sustained too many injuries from the Inheritance Space and still haven't fully recovered, fighting her and winning is out of the question" Ein immediately assessed the situation then turned to Yue Chen "Young Master there is a way to escape with our lives however it will take some time"

Yue Chen was the one most aware of his own condition. While it seemed as if he had recovered some of his strength after leaving the Inheritance Space it was actually the opposite. After tapping into his Shadow attribute the ring had started siphoning his true energy at a rate that was slightly lower than the speed at which absorbed it from his surroundings. This in turn had slowed his recovery and now he was in a weakened state.

"Do you need a hand?" before Yue Chen could react Ning Yuyan's fingers caressed his cheeks from behind, sliding down his neck as she whispered into his ear "I'll take my reward at a later date"

In the next instant a figure darted through the sky at Feng Huang, ripping through a ball of fire she had conjured. A burst of flames exploded in the air, sparks illuminating the night sky.

Ein fished out four blank strips of paper from his storage and started an obscure chant with the papers clasped between his fingers.

Feng Huang immediately acted , shooting a ball of fire in Ein's direction before fending off Ning Yuyan's attacks.

Ein continued to chant, ignoring the ball of fire moving in his direction. The moment his chant had started he lost the ability to move