Chapter 65 - Hidden Lineage(3/3)

"Your.....disciple?" Yue Chen asked with a visibly confused expression

Chu Xinyi nodded "a year ago my disciple left for the Abyssal Lightning Inheritance Space in the Alfheim region to the north. I ask that you find that child and bring him back to me"

"The Shura are able to communicate through a telepathic trait inherent to their bloodline so sending your disciple a message would suffice, what are you really plotting?" Xian Fei frowned as she stared at Chu Xinyi in incredulity.

Chu Xinyi sighed and her troubled expression became more visible. What Xian Fei had said was true. The Shura's telepathy was a skill that could convey a message to a member of the same race with a range of 25 li*, with the Alfheim region being a city away sending a message would still be possible however the Inheritance space seemed to have blocked the telepathy from reaching her disciple or maybe he had already.....

"I refus-" just as Yue Chen was abou to turn down Chu Xinyi's request an intense pressure came from above, rendering everyone in the room immobile.

"It seems I caused you to misunderstand the situation" Chu Xinyi's eyes glowed red as her expression darkened. "this is not a request, but an order"


Xian Fei's true energy surged as she sensed Chu Xinyi's killing intent, entering into a battle stance she gathered her true essence when suddenly the pressure inside the room increased, causing the floor beneath her feet to break apart as she struggled to withstand the force.

Yue Chen did not remain idle, facing Chu Xinyi the only way to fight back was to utilize his shadow attribute. With a flick of his wrist a blade appeared in his hands while he attempted to channel his true energy.

A sinister grin spread across Chu Xinyi's face as she felt Yue Chen's strength increase and she increased the spiritual pressure once more.

"Kekeke are you finally going crazy? The earlier I gain control the better!" Bai Chen's voice resounded in Yue Chen's head as he activated his movement technique, charging in Chu Xinyi's direction.

Having suppressed Yue Chen's speed and power Chu Xinyi was are of the strength it would require to move while under her spiritual pressure which was something a mere Disaster Realm like Yue Chen wasn't supposed to capable which had surpassed her expectations.

Yue Chen rushed forward, his blade slashing downward at Chu Xinyi's shoulder.


A resounding sound of metals colliding rang out as Yue Chen's sword flew into the air and the entire room fell silent at what they had just witnessed. Chu Xinyi had sent the sword flying with a single finger!

"No need to be so rash, there is benefit in you going to the Alfheim region as there should be an old monk who can awaken the girl who was taken over by the Saint of Fire" Chu Xinyi said calmly as she withdrew her bloodlust.

Yue Chen could feel the different energies in his body being thrown into disarray while resisting the urge to pass out."Koff"

Yue Chen spat out a mouthful of black, ink-like substance, his face instantly becoming paler than before. Having pushed his limits in vain the injuries he had suffered in the Inheritance Space had worsened.

"A shura unable to resist the corrosion of the shadow element's awakening? How sad" Chu Xinyi "then again, having someone born with the shadow element is in itself a rare occurrence"

A wisp of white flame coiled around Chu Xinyi's arm before flying towards Yue Chen and engulfing his body.

"Agh...Ahhh!!" Yue Chen grunted painfully. The moment he was engulfed in the Chu Xinyi's flames he could feel the shadow attribute being suppressed and the energies in his body were clashing with the power of the white flame while being slowly suppressed as well. Withstanding the searing heat that was burning his body a thought flashed through his mind and Yue Chen immediately sat in Lotus flower position while activating [The Frost of the Sleeping Dragon].

"Yue Chen!" Xian Fei looked at Yue Chen then at Chu Xinyi, her anger erupting as she balled her small hands into fists.

"Miss Fei, she's helping him rein in the shadow attribute" Ein said hurriedly "the process is gruesome, having to endure the Purification Yin Flame but if Master Chen is able to withstand the pain the gain will have far outweighed the risk of utilizing the shadow element"

Hearing Ein's explanation Xian Fei hesitantly stood down while helplessly watching as Yue Chen grit his teeth and withstand the pain.

Yue Chen took deep breaths and attempted to stabilize his rushed breath but to no avail. The flames had surpassed the level of frost that was covering his body causing it to turn to water and evaporate in mere seconds. If this continued he would be burned to a crisp in no time at all. As if to counter the flame that was breaking down his tissues a familiar energy surged through Yue Chen's body, alleviating a portion of the pain and causing his regeneration to increase.

"This..!!" Chu Xinyi's eyes widened in surprise

A few hours later Yue Chen opened his eyes and let out a breath of relief. His bones made popping noises as he stood up as if they hadn't been used in ages. He could feel a new level of strength flowing in his body. Third Sky of the Disaster Realm! He had managed to break through two miniature levels in the span on a couple hours!

Xian Fei gaped in shock as she glanced at Yue Chen "Yue"

Yue Chen revealed a confused expression as he saw Xian Fei's shocked look. "Is there something on my face?"

"Your Shura blood must have awakened" Chu Xinyi smiled "You truly do resemble Chu Jia"

Unbeknownst to Yue Chen his constantly deteriorating state had triggered the regeneration trait of his Shura Blood which had resulted in a metamorphosis. His black eyes had become a crimson red color and his jet black hair had turned silver and a single horn protruded from his forehead. Standing next to Chu Xinyi they looked like mother and child.