The Scary Kim Daehyun

It sounded like a painful sneer.

Yunhee immediately turned to Sunyeon, saying, "Shut up, brat." Then, he turned to me and said in a gentle tone, "I have to go right away, I'll close the coffin, okay?"

"No!" my lips said this subconsciously as if there was a strong rejection in the depth of my heart. "I mean — later — I still want to see him — let me be with him for a while, please."

I forced my stubbornness. Even though my voice and lips trembled from a severe wound, I wanted to affirm the words with the weak strength I had even if it would kill me.

In this situation, our eyes met. I looked at Yunhee with earnest pleading in my misty eyes, hoping that Yunhee could give some understanding and show a little empathy to someone as pathetic as me.