Who Exactly is the Mistress Here?

The big black man paused. He then stood up straight, took his cell phone out of his pocket, and started calling someone. The man nodded at the direction of someone on the phone

Until a few minutes later, he hung up the phone, then turned to several people who looked the same as him who were standing near the entrance and gave a signal. Seeing the signal, they all moved immediately, approaching where Daehyun and I were.

The next seconds, two of them grabbed Daehyun's arms and forced him to stand up. Daehyun looked panicked, while I was shocked but couldn't do anything. Daehyun persistently tried to free his arms which were locked by two big and strong men, but it was unsuccessful.

I admitted that Daehyun was a tough and physically strong person, but with two big people and strong muscular arms blocking his movements, Daehyun was helpless like he was a poor weak man right now.

After all, two big men against one person, it was unfair. Daehyun was powerless.