Chapter 17

I woke up at ten the next day. I was sore as hell. I could barely move out of my bed. I did not know I worked my body so hard. I was well conditioned too, but right now it did not feel like it.

I got up really slowly. I went to the bathroom. I then went back to my room and got changed. Not only was I sore, but really hungry. I went to the stairs and looked down. It seemed so far down. I took it a step at a time and each step hurt. It was in the calf, my hamstring and lower back. As I was walking I heard someone in the living room. Most likely Jessica.

I made it down. I was basically dragging myself to the kitchen. I looked in the living room and saw Jessica sitting in her usual spot with her laptop. It was closed on the table. She was looking at something on the T.V. I did not turn that far to look at what it was. That would just cause more pain. I continued to drag on.

"What is wrong with you?" I heard her say as I was just about to walk past.

"I'm sore. Really sore." I said. I was still walking. I just wanted to get from point A to point B and back to point A.

I got to the kitchen. What did I even want to eat right now? I looked in the fridge and freezer. There was eggs and sausage in there. There were also grits in the cabinet. I looked in the pantry and saw Captain Crunch and Pops cereal. What should I eat…

Wait. What am I thinking? I just want something quick. I'm not cooking a damn thing in the state I'm in. I grabbed the Pops, put milk in it with a spoon, and headed back to my room.

"You should take a hot bath or something." Jessica said as I walked past.

"Can't." I told her. "I do not fit in the bathtub. Good morning by the way."

"Morning. Video games?"

"Yep!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs. I sat on my bed and wolfed down the cereal real quick. I then went to turn on my Xbox. I decided to call Dashaun to see what he was doing. After about three rings he picked up.

"Yo. What you doing?' I asked him.

"Nothing. You online?" he responded.

"Yea. Madden or 2K?"

"Let's play 2K. I could only play for an hour. I'm going to my grandmother's house and staying for two days."

"Damn. Iight."

We hung up. I got on and put in 2K. Two minutes later Dashaun joined me.

We were barely able to finish one game (in which I won) before Dashaun's mother was calling him to pack up. He got offline and I was left alone. I did not know what to do. Then I remembered I had 2 new games from yesterday. I went to my game drawer and put in Skyrim.

The thing about role play games is that it is very interactive. It is hard to get bored when you are playing it because it is so much to do. You can get lost with just walking around and interacting with the environment. That's what happened when I was playing Skyrim. I was just roaming around the world. Only did like two missions. Before I knew it the time was already one.

'Ray. Lunch is ready." I heard my mom call.

I was done with the game for now. I might go back after lunch to play Halo. I did not know yet.

I got up from my bed. I was just as sore as I was since I woke up. Once again it was a slow decline down the steps. I got to the kitchen. There were two cheese burgers on the table with ice tea. I knew I smelled burgers, but I was not really focused at the time.

"Thanks, Mom." I said. She was making a sandwich now. I guess for herself.

"Try not to be on those games all day." she said without looking up.

"I have nothing else to do. I walked out of the kitchen. I went into the living room where Jessica was already eating. I took a seat on the love seat. She was watching Scooby Doo. Nothing was on I guess.

"So you finally decided to come in the living room." she said. "I have not seen you in here in three days."

"That long? I guess I've been busy." I said.

"Playing video games is not being busy."

"But it is an art form."

"You're such a loser."

"But you love me."

Then it just got quiet. I did not know if it was a normal silence or an awkward silence. Maybe that was not the best choice of words. I was only kidding anyway. I looked at her and she was finishing her burger. I'm assuming that's why it got quiet.

She took her plate in the kitchen. Then I heard her go into the bathroom. By the time she got back I was headed to the kitchen because I finished my cheeseburgers.

"I was only gone for like five minutes." she said.

"You know I eat fast." I responded. I continued in the kitchen. I did not notice when my mom left. I washed my plate and grabbed some cookies from the basket then left.

"I'm headed back upstairs" I said to Jessica.

"Ok." she responded.

I proceeded to go up.

"Actually, Ray wait a sec." I heard Jessica say from the living room.

I hobbled myself back to the living room. "Yes, Jessica?"

"Nothing is really on TV. I was about to start the Dragonball series. You want to watch with me?"

I stood and thought for a while. I don't know why I was thinking. Of course I wanted to watch the whole Dragonball series again.

"Yea. I'll watch it." I said. I was going to steal it to watch it anyway."

Jessica got up from her seat. "And how were you going to do that?"

"Go into your room and take it. Duh."

"Whatever. I'll be right back." She walked past me and up the stairs. While she did that I set up the DVD player. By the time I finished she was back with all the videos.

She placed it down and opened the first set. She handed me the disc and I put it in.

"You ready for this?" I said.

"Shut up and sit down." she laughed. I jumped on the love seat and our day of videos began.

Four hours. We watched Dragonball for four hours. We only got to epsiode twenty. We had lots of fun watching it though. We were discussing practically the whole saga. We got into fun little arguments about who would win in a fight. Honestly, I didn't even notice the time until my mom and dad came down stairs.

"It is always nice to see you two hanging out." My mom said when she looked into the living room. She was dressed in a black dress with heels and make up.

"Mom?" I said. It's rare when I see her like this. "Where are you going?"

"I did not tell you ? Your father and I are going out for dinner. A new restaurant opened and he wants to take me."

"What about our dinner?" I just noticed I did not have dinner. We've just had cookies and chips so far.

"You know how to make sandwiches."

That's when my dad came down stairs.

"You ready, honey?" he asked my mom.

"Yeah, Rick."

"Ray, if you and Jessica go out make sure you lock the door." He said to me.

"I know Dad." I responded.

'No one is allowed in…"

"Except Dashaun or Jocelyn for Jessica." I said as I cut off my mother. "I know. I know. You guys could go now."

"Jessica, you're in charge." my dad said.

"I'll keep him in check, Mr. Randel" she said.

"Call me Rick. See you two later."

"Have fun." Jessica said.

They both left the house.

"You're mom is really pretty in that dress." Jessica said.

"Ew." I responded. "You want a sandwich?"

"Um. No. I'm fine with the snacks."

"Me too." I went back to my seat.

We watched two more episodes of Dragonball. More of the same happened. It was time to change the disc now. Jessica started to get up.

" I got it, Jessica." I said and I got up. My back was still killing me. My whole body was killing me. Something had to be wrong. I was hurting too much. I dragged my way to the DVD player to change it.

"Sometime today, crippled." Jessica said.

"I'm in pain her, woman!"

I finally was able to change the disc. I went back to my seat just as slow. Jessica got up and left the room. She came back and had a bottle in her hand.

"Come over here and lay down." she ordered.

"For what?" I asked.

I'm going to give you a massage."

"What the hell?!"

"Stop being a child and get over here. You want your back to feel better?"

"I'm fine." As soon as I moved my back aced. I looked over at her. She was just smiling. This was weird, but if she thinks she could do something then let her try. I went to the couch and laid down.

"Take off your shirt, genius"

"Stop ordering me around." I took my shirt off.

I laid there for a few seconds. Jessica got up and left again. She returned with a towel and told me to lay on it. A few seconds later her cold hands went to my back.

"OO!" I shouted. 'What's on your hands?"

"Baby oil. Stay still" she said.

"Do you even know what you are doing?"

"I gave my father many massages before. Yes."

"You don't think this is weird?"

"No. I'm Japanese remember? We do this all the time. Now shut up and stay still." I think she was joking.

She continued to work my back. Whatever she was doing I did not want her to stop. It felt great. My back slowly started to feel better. It hurt in some spots though. After the pain subsided the place felt great. I was in heaven.

Her hands alone felt…wonderful. They were soft, but had just the right amount of power to do the job. Her hands and fingers felt so delicate. She definitely knew what she was doing.

I did not want her to stop.

"You have knots in your back. A lot of them." she said. "This may take a while."

"Take your time." I said

Seriously, take your time.

She worked all areas of my back. I could feel her every touch. She used her thumb to rub out the nots. Her hands slowly guided her way through the massage. She went up my back towards my shoulders. She went down to my ribs occasionally. Every touch, every movement had some purpose. There was no wasted movement. She continued for fifteen minutes. I enjoyed every second.

"Um." she started. There is tension in your glutes and calf. Do I have permission to go to your lower half?"

"Yes. Go ahead" I said. She has already been touching me. She might as well finish the job.

She then proceeded to massage my butt. It felt just as good as my back. After that he did my hamstrings and calf. I wondered how she got so good at this. This right here was truly an art.

"Alright. I'm finished." she said ten minutes later. "Not my best, but it will do."

Not her best? That was marvelous. I would love to see her best. Well feel her best.

I got up. My back truly felt better. My legs also. I could move with any pains anywhere. I jumped up and down a few times and did leg lifts. No pain at all.

"How in the world did you do that?" I asked.

"My mother taught me when I was fifteen." She said. "She is a misuse. Very good at her work. But it's only like a side thing she does."

"So are you. That was magnificent."

"Eh. I'm not that good."

"You really are. I never had a massage, but I could tell that was a real one. I could feel every move you made. I was in heaven. You're talented."

She smiled at me while I sat next to her. "It seemed like you really enjoyed it. More than you know."

"Whoa! It was not like that." I knew what she was hinting at.

"Well that's that not what you say." She looked down. I followed her eyes and saw what she was looking at. She just busted out laughing.

"Something is wrong with you." I said. I had to admit, during the massage I had sexual thoughts and feelings. I'll be crazy not too. I know how to keep those emotions in check however so things like…that won't happen. The erection was close however.

"I'm sorry." she said as she finished laughing. "I could not resist."

It grew quiet for a couple seconds. Then next she said. "I could make you feel like that."

"What?" I said. I knew full well what she said.

"I could make you feel like that." she said quietly. Seductively. "Good."

Then she slowly moved towards me. She rubbed her hands up my leg as she leaned into my body. She closed her eyes and was going in for the kiss.

"Next time on Dagonball!"

"Oh snap!" I said while moving off the couch. "The show!"

Ran over to the DVD player and crouch like I was doing something. I was trying to get rid of the boner I just had. She did it this time.

Why did I stop it?!

"Um. You want to watch that episode again?" I asked her.

"Yea. Sure." she said disappointedly as she leaned up.

I pressed back on the player. I stood up and looked down. It was no longer visible. I walked back to the couch. I did not want to go to the love seat because that would have made it more awkward than it was.

I looked at the clock. It was ten thirty. We just finished four more Dragonball episodes. For the most part we did what we been doing. Nothing was awkward. I still was thinking about what happened and I'm pretty sure she was too. We did not get it in the way of my fun.

Another thought that came to mind, where was my parents. They left at six. How long was this damn dinner?

"My parents been a while." I said.

"They have." Jessica said. She was laying on the couch with her feet on my legs.

"You know what they are doing?"

"Probably a movie after dinner. Bar."

"Possibly. I hope the don't come in here being stupid."

"They won't. They are going straight to bed."

"Yeah. They most likely will be tired." I knew that's not what she meant, but I'll play dumb.

"I said nothing about sleep…" Yep. I knew it.

"That's disgusting."

"Well. You know how babies are made." she smiled. "You might have a new brother and sister in nine months."

"Shut up." I pushed her feet off of me. What happened next caught me off guard.

Jessica got up and just put her legs over me. She started to straddle me. I could not do anything because it happened in one motion. Next she started to grind on me. Her arms around my neck and her waist thrusting me. I was immobilized. Why is she doing this?

Why am I enjoying this? Why does it feel so good?

Next she leaned in and kissed me. She was not going to be denied this time. There was nothing that I could do.

Did I want to do anything?

Her lips on mine. It was so sweet. She continued to thrust. Soon it got harder. I think she was really trying to break my manhood. She kissed me for a good twenty seconds. I think I kissed back.

"Stoop!' I said while I rolled her over on the couch.

What the hell did I do that for?

"What?" she said. She seemed angry now. "What is the problem now, Ray?"

"We can't do this. It's not right."

"Why can't we? We just started." She tried to get up and hug me. I rubbed her off.

"My parents could be back anytime." I said. I was just making excuse.

"You know that's shit!" she said. "Why can't you do this. With me?"

Why can't I do this? Why?

I did not answer. I just stood there. She continued.

"Ever since I got here I tried to make advances on you. I don't do that to everyone. I'm not some whore, Ray!" she cried. She was crying.

"I know that." I said. I turned and looked at her. She was really crying.

"You ask me all the time what happened on that date with me and Dashaun. I'll tell you what happened. He asked me out! He asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. You know what I told him?"

I stood quiet. Now was not the time for me to speak.

"I said no. Why? Dashaun is a great kid. Very sweet. But I told him no. I told him no because I want you. I... I like you. I liked you since we watched anime together. I never got to do that and it felt special. I hurt that boy for you."

"Dasahaun will be f…"

"Don't you joke right now! You have no fucking right too!"

Damn. She fessesd me. I shut up in a hurry.

"I saw you and Jocelyn that night. That hurt. So I tried to push you to go out with her at least. Then I know that I could move on. You couldn't even do that! So now today I tried one last effort. One last push to…win."

There was a pause in the room. No one said anything. She still was crying.

"Are you scared. Scared to go out with me?" she finally said.

"No that's not it." I said. It really was not. I don't know.

"Then what is it, Ray? Is it Jocelyn? Are you gay? It's Jocelyn isn't because I know you're not gay. Just say it's her! Ask her out so I don't have to deal with this!"

"It's not Jocelyn. I don't like her."

Why? What is wrong with me!

"What is the problem? Why Ray? Why you don't you want to go out with me? Just tell me. Please." She was not yelling no more. She was really hurt. I had to answer.

"Um. You're like a sister to me. It would be weird." I said. I wish I didn't.

A sister? That is a lie if I ever did tell one! Damn! Why did I say that!

"You're serious? A sister? You're going to sit her and tell me that? Look me and the eye and tell me that."

I looked right in her eyes. She was truly hurt. Tears ran down her face. Light reflected off her eyes. There were more tears to come.

Don't say it. Do not say it, Ray. Tell her how you feel. Tell her why…

"I think of you as my sister, Jessica."

She just looked at me. She seemed shocked. She cried even more now.

"I can't believe you. You just lied right in my face."

"I'm no…"

"Shut up, Ray! You know you like me more than a siser and more than a friend! What is wrong with you? Do you enjoy seeing me like this? I'm telling you how I feel. Why can't you tell me? Are you this heartless? I hate you! I wish I could go home!"

She ran out the room and went up the stairs. I heard a door slam behind me.

Go after her. Make it right.

I stood there. Looking foolish. She had a right to be mad. What the hell can I do now? I had no plan, no idea what to do. Everything she said was right. Even the part about me liking her. One moment you win the game of the century and you're having a good time. The next…this happens.

But I had my reason for not doing anything. There was a reason that I did not know was right or wrong for making her feel like that.