I can hear a man calling my name. He sounds so distant that it makes it difficult for me to recognize his voice or where it's coming from. Looking around, I can see the trees happily dancing with the cold breeze. The sweet scent of lavender and the musty smell of the asphalt soaked by the rain entered my nose.

"I'm here" I responded quietly to the disembodied voice and the echo traveled through the empty road.

"Where are you?" I searched again but can't find anyone.

"Hello?" I hoped that he'll find me atleast.

Then, everything turned white and a static noise ring inside my head.

Everything became fuzzy.

Hey Sophia!"


"Wake up!"

"Wake up now honey!"

I slowly opened my eyes and a blurry figure of a guy is standing near my bed.

"Thank God! Were you having a nightmare sweety?" he asked.

I did not reply. Instead, I closed my eyes one more time to help me adjust my vision.

"Dad!?" I raised my voice after realizing who the person is in front of me.

"Yes Sophie. I'm your Dad." he responded in a modulated voice. I feel calm just hearing him say my name.

"Daddy! You're back!" I jumped up from my bed and hugged my father. It has been five months since the last time I saw him. Overwhelming emotions swept me and tears flowed out.

"Are you that happy?" he chuckled. My dad cupped my wet cheeks. "Don't cry now honey."

"Daddy. Is that really you? Are you finally home?" I just can't believe that he's here. The man whom I have been wishing to rescue me and the only one that I can comfortably talk to in this house. I studied his physique. Grabbing his arms to make sure it's real.

"You are not dreaming Sophie." My dad reassured me. I'm glad. He really comes when I need him the most.

"Since we're on the topic, what did you dream about?"

"Is everything okay?"

I do not know what to respond. He asked me the two questions even I doesn't know the answer to.

I braced myself. "Dad, can I ask you a question instead?" There is something I really wanted his help with.

"Go ahead honey." he quickly replies with a smile on his face.

"Did you hear or see another woman when you came inside?" Courage fueled my curiosity. I did not feel afraid when I heard her but I was not sure if it was just all in my imagination.

"And I'm not asking about Mom or Elizabeth either." I continued.

"What are you talking about Sophie?. Why would there be another woman here?"

"Someone was here dad... and she even told me not to step out from my bed!" I debated. "Look at my window, it's o..pen" I pointed at it but was astonished to what I see.

"Honey...Sophia look at me." Dad grabbed my shoulders to make sure my eyes are fixated on him.

"You're window was closed when I arrived. Nobody was here. it's just you and me." He made sure his point come across.

"Do you understand me Sophia McMillan?"

I paused for a couple of seconds to digest everything I heard. My dad never looked so serious before. His strong grip made me wince a bit.

"Yes." was my short reply. There I saw his face light up and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright. Let's go have breakfast. We'll go somewhere after."

"Where are we going?"

"Eat first then I'll show you"

I obediently followed Dad downstairs with Dino tagging behind us. I remember all that happened but I would rather burry them in the deepest of my memories rather than torment myself into thinking whether they were real or not. I don't want dad to worry about me.

After fixing Dino's meal, I sat down across my dad. He cooked bacon and eggs. There's also salad with mayo and sprinkled with cheese on top. I never had this kind of breakfast in a while. I poured myself a glass of cold orange juice while my Dad is sipping his coffee.

"Can you get me the knife Sophie? I need to slice the bread."

Nervous, but I stood up almost immediately.

"Act normal" I murmured.

I don't want to relive what I went through but I got to face my fear so it won't hunt me anymore.

I am now a few steps away from the kitchen counter - the exact place where I hid myself from the assailant. I watched every corner, observing the floor if I can find my phone or the weapon I threw last night... but can't find either of them.

"Hurry now sweetie!" I jolted from suddenly hearing Dad's loud calling from the dining room.

"Coming Dad!"

I finished my meal and was fully satisfied.

"I'll go wash up now" I say after placing the cleaned dishes inside the cabinets.

"Okay Sophie" he responded while his eyes are still focused on the newspaper he's reading.

I went upstairs, had my bath and put on my favorite hoodie. A royal blue colored top with the phrase 'Hands Off' at the center of it. I also wore my white shorts to match the white prints of the lettering.

Without delay, I hurried down and found my dad ready to go.

"So Dad, can you tell me now, where we are going? I excitedly asked him. I'm thinking maybe the mall but it's too early. Perhaps, he wants to see the ocean?

"Let's talk on our way there honey" he replied.

I hopped inside his black SUV. I expected a full conversation, but the journey to wherever he's bringing me to was quiet. He did not ask any questions and I did not dare to ask one as well. I cured my boredom by watching the traffic instead.

A few minutes later, dad pulled over and parked nearby a tall white building. It was bustling with people. I looked up and realized it was a hospital.

"Why are we here Dad?" I asked finally.

"You're sister is here."

"Why? Is she badly hurt?" What could have been the reason my twin would be here?

"She hit her head according to your mom"

Dad sounded really concerned.

After finding a place to park, we immediately looked for her room. It took atleast 15 minutes to find and before we could even knock, the door was opened and a familiar man welcomed us.

"Good Morning Mr. McMillan..and to you too Sophia!"

"Hello Mr. Stone. Thank you for your help last night" dad replied.

"How do you know my name?" I inquired, cutting off the two men.

"Well, aside from your Dad and Mom telling me, not mentioning my niece Nathalie who talks about you a hundred times.. I found your phone in Luke's house as well.

"My phone?!" I asked, surprised to what he said.

"Yes. Your phone was right outside Sophia" Dad answered in behalf of him.

"And I'll ask you what happened later on" he commented.

Mr. Stone showed us inside the huge private hospital room and there I witnessed my sister's condition. Her head is wrapped with a bandage and her nose was covered with plaster. Unconscious.

Then, realization hit me. This is my fault. I wished her to be like this. It is my doing.

"Dad. I am so sorry!" I blurted.

"What do you mean Sophia?!" he replied.