It has been four days since my visit to the hospital. Aside from mom nagging at me and her bickering with dad every now and then- it has been peaceful. No strange incidents, no nightmares and no unrecognized voices.

School was busy as usual and surprisingly, no body asked me about Elizabeth. Even my friend Nathalie who's a curious cat seemed to not have a tiny bit of interest why my sister has not been around lately. Everyday, I see the cheer leaders practice loudly. Luke and Brian continued with their lives as normal as well.

It was odd but it saved me the trouble of explaining what happened.

"Fifi! Going home now?" Nathalie shouted as she waived her hands. She's sitting down on one of the benches of the school yard, enjoying the company of the other math club members.

"Yeah!" I responded, placing my hands around my mouth to make my voice concentrated.

"Want me to go home with you?"

"No need. Dad's going to pick me up!" and as soon I said that, his black SUV parked in front of me. I looked back to say goodbye to Nathalie before opening the car door.

"Hey Dad." I meekly greeted him.

"Hi Honey. How's school?"

"It was fine Dad"

The drive was awkward and I don't understand why it felt that way. Partly, maybe because he haven't asked me yet about my phone ending up at Luke's front yard or perhaps the fact that we haven't really talked about the incident that night. I have attempted multiple times to get answers from Mr. Stone but he's tight lipped. Nathalie probably doesn't know about it as well so I never bothered asking.

"Sophie" dad suddenly calls out to me in a low voice while his eyes still focused on the road.

I looked at his direction without answering.

"Do you have any plan for your birthday next week?"

"Oh. I actually forgot about that" I replied honestly. I did not have time to think about parties and stuff like that specially with what's going on around me.

"Yeah, I thought so.. but I have something prepared for you girls so don't worry" he smiles.

"I don't feel like celebrating dad. Elizabeth is still in a bad shape.

"No. She will be discharged tomorrow"

"Really!? I mean I'm happy but I thought she's staying there for at least a month?"

I was astonished. I happen to see my twin's x-ray and aside from a broken nose, her lower left rib bones were slightly damaged too.

"She healed fast honey. I can't wish for more."

"of course it's a great news dad. She's really a super human" I commented

There was no response from him. Instead, he looked confused and sad.

"Dad, can u tell me what happened to my sister?" I finally asked after observing my his reaction.

"Not now honey. I want us to have a good atmosphere when she comes back."

"But dad!, aren't you even going to ask me where I was that night?.. or why my phone ended up at Luke's?" I debated. This is the first time I talked back to him.

He pulled over to the side of the road. I didn't expect him to do that. It was really rude of me and I may get my punishment now.

"Sophia, honey I'm sorry. You know I don't hide things from you but this isn't the right time"

"Why don't you get mad at me?"

"I love you honey."

"I love you too Dad"

I hugged him and felt so calm. I can't just be mad at him.

He continued to drive and a few minutes later we arrived home. I do not see mom. Probably she's in the hospital.

"Dad, I'll go straight to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Sure honey. I'll visit your sister in a bit."

"Okay Dad. Take care"

"Are u sure you're okay alone?"

"Yeah dad. Dino's here." I chuckled.

I went up stairs to my room, washed up and head to my bed. I can hear Dad's car leaving.

"Dino! Come here!" he immediately jumped towards me with his tail wagging.

"What a good boy! Are you going to keep me safe tonight buddy?"

We then both laid down and I got the best sleep of my life.

My alarm buzzed, telling me it's already 7:15 in the morning. Forgot to turn it off last night, today is Saturday.

"Elizabeth's coming home today buddy" I say as I massaged Dino's back after turning off the alarm. He's still fast asleep.

"Everything should be okay" I mumbled. I don't know how I'm going to welcome her back.

I head towards the comfort room after fixing my bed leaving my sleeping dog.

Looking at my reflection, I can clearly see my puffy eyes. "Good thing it's weekend".

I decided to prepare myself a warm bath to relax from all the tension last night. I splashed some cold water on my face first then took off my pajamas. I removed my undies and walked straight to the shower. Afterwards, I plunged myself inside my tub, full with warm water. "Now this is what I'm talking about". I exclaimed, plunging half of my face into the water.

A few minutes later, I heard some cracking sound. I wonder where it came from but did not really mind too much about it. Then, I heard something breaking and it sounded so near.

"Dad?" No answer.

"What's that?" I whispered.


I heard the same woman's voice again. Instinctively, I jolted from my position and my left hand touched the bathroom floor.

"Aaaaahhhh"... I yelped. It felt like I was touching fire itself. The burning sensation ran from my fingers to my arms.


Who is she talking about? I kept hearing her but no one is actually with me.

"Why is this happening?!" I yelled and already in tears.

Then, I thought it couldn't be worst...the water started to boil and everything starts to shake... intensely.

"COME HOME WITH ME MY CHILD" a deep, rough male voice resounded.

I did not dare to answer. I can hear everything getting knocked off inside the bathroom.

The only thing separating me and whatever's out there is this thin sheet of curtain.

"What the hell's going on in there, bitch?..Are you that scared that I'm back?" My sister's annoying voice was heard. She's fervently banging on the door.

"Hey Sophia! What are you doing?!"

Her being there had me take the risk. I jumped out of the tub, eyes closed. Ran towards the door, naked.. as I step on the broken glasses on the floor.