"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I ask the person on the other line. My voice was obviously loud enough to catch the attention of the people around me.


"I don't know what to say. I... I just didn't expect this. This is too sudden."

The sad news tore my heart. A great mentor died. Thousands have lost a precious teacher, a mother figure and an amazing friend today. Aside from me not being able to foresee the unfortunate event, I can't even be there to mourn for her. I failed as a student and a follower.

"Don't blame yourself too much Derick. Noboby wanted nor thought this would happen to her. Everything was how it was supposed to be for the last seven years untill recently. We need you more than ever, so please don't crumble."

"You are giving me too much credit Arthur. I'm afraid I will only disappoint you."

It's typical of this man to discredit himself and put me on a higher pedestal instead of him or the others. In terms of Strength, Power and Contributions - he should be on top. Compared to me, I am always running away.. and that's what is happening now.

"There you go again. Anyways, we trust you and there is no changing that." Arthur sighed but immediately snicker back at me.

"Yeah. I just have to suck it all up and act smug." I slightly grin at my own remark. He helped me pick up my confidence again.

"So, where exactly are you right now?" He asks.

"Bariloche in Patagonia." I responded quickly.

"PATAGONIA?" he repeated in surprise.

"What's wrong this time that you had to go that far?" I knew he'd want to know that. I have prepared my brain a hundred times for this conversation.. but I still can't help but get nervous.

"A looming war Arthur but I can't talk too much now." Concern and fear prevented me from discussing it further. Even the air may pose as a threat - someone might be listening.

"I understand but who did you consult there?"

"The Wise Santiago Argin XIII." His name speaks for his booming reputation. Even in this generation's reincarnation, he has not lost touch of his duty. His greatness knows no bounds.

"Urggghh. The great martyr huh? Isn't it difficult to talk to him?"

"He is just a ten year old kid this time. A bit eccentric but it's manageable." I can't help but laugh. We do have trouble talking to the exalted ones but he is the most challenging by far.

"By the way, did you find anything peculiar with her death? I continued as I change the subject of our discussion.

"You have to come back Derick. It's better if you can see it for yourself... and also, I saw Sophia first time in a long time and there is something off with her aura. I could be wrong though."

"You were never wrong with your intuition. Please keep an eye on her and Elizabeth. I'll finish my business here, then I'll head back."

We both hang up the phone. I hurriedly made my way to the place where I am currently staying. After making sure no one was following me, I packed my clothes and other stuff as soon as I arrived. There is one more place I had to visit before going home - the oldest church in the country.

Few days passed and gladly everything went by smoothly and the earliest flights have been booked for each stop points.

"Hello?" I answer my phone as I wait for the on boarding call for my plane.

"Dad. I miss you. When are you coming back?" Sophia's soft voice melted my soul.

"Soon honey. Very soon." A tear escaped my eye. I can tell from her voice that she's barely keeping up. She's an intelligent kid so I know she'll pull herself together but she's just a teenager and that's what pains me. I am too far to comfort her and that should have been my first job.

Right then, I heard the announcement for the passengers. I excused myself, turned off my phone and hoped It won't be too late for me.

After a couple more flights and a few rests from Buenos Aires to Wisconsin, I found myself outside my house. Exhausted but I have to check Sophia, Elizabeth and my wife.

Upon close distance from the main door, I can see scratch marks. I opened the door and everything seemed to be in its right place. Setting my luggage aside on the floor, I studied the place but when I reached the kitchen, that's when cold sweat appeared on my forehead.

A huge knife is peeking beside the trash bin and Sophia's phone is only a few steps away from it. I ran upstairs to check on her and to my relief, she's fast asleep.

I sat down on her mini sofa and decided to call Arthur. I needed him to investigate what happened which includes, hiding any evidence of last night if it's related to what I think it is and to make sure no one else remember.

I phoned Esther and found out Elizabeth is in the hospital. What is happening here? 

Hey Sophia!"


"Wake up!"

"Wake up now honey!"

She's murmuring in her sleep and looks like in discomfort. She then slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank God! Were you having a nightmare sweety?" I ask but did not get a reply. Instead, she closed her eyes one more time, probably to adjust her vision.

"Dad!?" She exclaimed.

"Yes Sophie. I'm your Dad." I responded in a modulated voice. I feel calm just hearing her calling me that. How long has it been since the last time I heard her call out to me?

"Daddy! You're back!" She  jumped up from her bed and hugged me. 

"Are you that happy?" I chuckled. I cupped her wet cheeks due to her tears. How can I not love her?. She is my daughter after all.

"Don't cry now honey."

"Daddy. Is that really you? Are you finally home?"

"You are not dreaming Sophie." I reassured her.

"Since we're on the topic, what did you dream about? Is everything okay?" I have an idea of what's happening to her but I wanted to know how much she knows now. She was silent and didn't seem to know where to begin.

"Dad, can I ask you a question instead?" 

"Go ahead honey."

"Did you hear or see another woman when you came inside?.. and I'mm not asking about Mom or Elizabeth either." She continued. I am surprised she dared to ask that but the truth may still be too brutal for her.

"What are you talking about Sophie?. Why would there be another woman here?"

"Someone was here dad... and she even told me not to step out from my bed!" She debated.

"Look at my window, it's o..pen" she pointed.

"Honey...Sophia look at me." i grabbed her shoulders to make sure her eyes are fixated on me.

"You're window was closed when I arrived. Nobody was here. it's just you and me." I made sure my point come across.

"Do you understand me Sophia McMillan?" My voice became more dominating.

"Yes" was her short reply. 

My Lie will keep you alive. That's atleast what I wanted to believe. It is what's keeping me from hurting you. Darling, one day you will have to find out but for this moment, let me be your Father.