"WHO THE HELL AM I?" I squeal in my uncertainty.

A feeling of getting lost in a dark alley with nothing but a small light peeking through an old flashlight. The cold night breeze passes and was felt by your sweat covered skin but the burning sensation in your chest makes the air humid a second after. Your breath starts a rythm with your pulse - heavier and slower. Your shadow bounces left to right as your hands trembles causing the fainted illumination dance in the darkness. Eyes wonders around, hoping somebody will help and guide you the way out of this nothingness.

This is by far, the longest thirty seconds of my life.

"SOPHIA!" I heard Dad call out to me. His voice sounds a mile away from where I am standing. Though distant, I can sense uneasiness in his tone.

"DAD?!" I yelled. Is my vision starting to falter or is it the darkest of the dark nights?

It's void and numbing.


I did not understand what he meant. Nothing has registered well in my mind after what I witnessed earlier. I may still have been in shock from all the things that happened today. 

As I wonder what's going on, a loud thud resounded. Then an outcry echoed inside the room.

"THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND!" Dad's voice cracks. He heaves.

"ARTHUR! NEED YOUR HELP!" He yells again as another striking thump filled the small area.  A few moments later, the poor door swung open and the knob crashed on the wall.

"WHAT THE?!.. SOPHIA, PUT HIM DOWN! I know this is not your intention but only you can stop it!" Mr. Stones exclaimed.

"I can't see anything! I don't know what to do Mr. Stones!"

"Holy Cow! I'm sorry then Sophia. I will have to do this to save my friend and so you won't live to suffer today!"

He places both of his hands on my face, covering it. His warm palms felt calming at first but then a scorching feeling replaced it quickly.

"Aaaah!!" I screeched in pain and felt I lost my  grip on something and then a heavy clump vibrated the floor. 

"Oh my! Are you still breathing?"

"Ofcourse I am!"

"Ofcourse I am!"

Dad and I answered in unison.

What seemed to be a pitch black space started to gain some hint of glow. My room was once again displayed to me.

"Derick, can you manage stand?" Officer Stones asked. I followed his movements as he kneels down with one knee. My Dad is lying down near him, curled up and in pain.

"Wha.. What did I d.. do this time?!"

"It's not your fault honey. I'm okay, alright?"

I stood up and ran towards to only exit, escaping from the agonizing scene, escaping from reality.

"You can't keep on running little girl. This is your doing. This is who you really are!" A man taller than my door height appeared in front of me. His stature covers the corridor as well. All I could do was to look up and see who this person is - if he really is one.

"LOUIE?!" Mr. Stones shouted. He seemed to be surprised too with this uninvited stranger.

"Hinc est portionis meæ, relinquo vobis anxietas visionem." This towering man hovers his right hand on my head while he murmured those words and I felt the air surrounding me changed. He hunches down so he could come through, then suddenly lifts me like a piece of paper.

"You look ordinary." he commented as he scans my frail body. Aside from his muscular structure, his natural low, heavy monotone voice makes him more scary and intimidating.

"You look monstrous!" I responded.

"What did you say?" 

"Louie! You're not here just to fight with her, are you?. Now, come on and help me out."

Luckily, I landed on my two feet after this oddly, rude, monster like being drops me abruptly. He mumbled something again while he faces my Dad. My desire of running away no longer occurred to me as I am standing here staring at them.

"I know you guys would want to have a little catching up, but Elizabeth is going to wake up anytime now." Mrs. Anne pops out behind me and I jolted.

"Shoot! I forgot about that. Derick, will you be alright?"

"Yeah. I'm good Arthur. Thanks to you and Louie."

"Sophia? Come with us. We will need your help too."

"Me?! What can I even be of use with?"

"You are going to be the most important contributor for the wellness of your sister. So off we go." Mrs. Anne tags me alongside her. Dad walks ahead of us together with his friends.

I now stand outside Elizabeth's room, a bit afraid of what I may see inside. 

"You'll be fine." Mrs. Anne nudges me and with that, I held my breath as I step inside and prepare myself with whatever's waiting for me behind the closed door.

"Thank you Sophia. Your sister will really appreciate this." Dad exclaimed, welcoming me.

I examine the room and thick brown ropes didn't match the girly interior design.

"What are those for?" I ask. 

"We tied your sister. Just a precaution okay?" Mr. Stones replied and there I saw Elizabeth lying down on her bed, unconscious, with both arms and legs tied up.

"What?? Dad? Did you agree to this?"

"I instructed them to do this honey, and you will know why." Dad responded.

"It's coming. Brace yourselves boys. It's been a while." Mr. Louie says.

One by one, their left arms released the same blue-ish light and a mixture of images and texts tattoos came into sight on their skin that is not covered by their clothes. I looked over Mrs. Anne and saw her fixing the glasses she wore earlier.

The room is now overflowing with a touch of white dazzling light and the blue-ish glow emanating from the three guys in font of me.

Suddenly, Elizabeth's body started to shake tremendously, causing the bed to waggle as well.

"O Domine, quia ipsa cura eius, quod incapax"

They kept repeating this phrase but it didn't stop my quivering twin. The three of them moved closer to Elizabeth but it's still not working.

"Sophia. Go and help your sister." Mrs. Anne commands me. 

"I want to...but...I don't know how." I replied. Devastated how useless I am, even at this crucial moment.

"You need your intuition Sophia. You already saw what they did. All you have to do is follow and execute."

After a bit of a  struggle with my own wits and reasoning, I finally decided to walk up and stand at the edge of the bed. I imitated  their actions and said the same line.

"O Domine, quia ipsa cura eius, quod incapax"

As soon as those words slipped from my lips, my left arm also released the blue light -starting from the clear embossed sword like symbol at the center of my wrist. Scribbles and Scriptures then appeared on the other parts of my body.

"Sophia! It's slowing down." Dad exclaimed. I'm glad it worked.

"O Domine audi nos. Hoc onus tuis audi, et extolle sentimus." I blurted. I don't know how and why I did that but it apparently stopped Elizabeth in one go.

I wiped off my sweat but was taken aback with what happened next.

"I apologize for my misconduct earlier. Punish me if you want, but allow me to first see your mark." Mr. Louie bows his head and extends his arms.

I then tilted my left arm upright and showed it to him. He gasps and kneels quickly.


"Not so ordinary now, right Louie?" Dad commented.

"He is one of us Sophia. Francis should've been here as well. Where is he by the way?"

"He's caught up in some mission. He did say, he'll be here tonight though." Mr. Louie answered as he raise himself.

They're acting like nothing happened. I seemed to be ignored right now.

"Sophia, thank you for helping us out. We shouldn't have troubled you. Right now, we are not yet complete but PLEASE, WELCOME US!"