You Won't Sleep With Me

Irina was furious when she saw him. "You are such an insolent man!"

Ryan was surprised to hear that, wasn't this the time for Irina to try to save him?

"Quit pretending." Irina said in a cold tone. "The last time you pretended to be sick, you attacked me without thinking. I won't be fooled this time!"

Ryan then stood up with a disappointed face, his wife had really become smart.

"Then you don't want to eat?" Ryan pressed the phone and was ready to order a meal.

"You eat first, I still have a lot of business." Irina opened her laptop and checked her work again. After a while, she noticed a name on the document.


"Ryan, do you remember the name that the taxi driver mentioned earlier?" Irina turned to him.

"Huh? Which one?"

"The most powerful man in the Pavona city, didn't he say that his name was Pablo?"

Ryan was surprised, was his wife interested in other people? "Why are you suddenly asking about him?"