A Supportive Husband

"Okay, we'll discuss our contract." Pablo leaned back in his chair, looking relaxed.

"Then, since Mr. Pablo does not doubt the ability of my company, I will discuss how we will work together." Irina opened her presentation, "Based on the contents of the proposed contract with your company, these are the points that need our attention. The first is........."

Ryan listened to his wife carefully. However, he occasionally glanced at Pablo with cold eyes.

No matter how many times you looked at it, this contract was more profitable for the Avalerion company. How was it possible for a large company like this to cooperate with another company with and agreed on a small profit?

It was clear that the benefits Pablo wanted was not written in the contract.

"That's what I need to discuss. If there is no problem with it, we can sign the contract now." Irina said with a smile.