Hammer Mammoth

After going in and out of several shops, Ivanka finally had an idea of ​​where to sell it. However, at this moment, a big man approached her.

"Hey pretty, are you looking for clothes?"

Ivanka turned her head to find that the fat man with a sweaty face was trying to seduce her. 

Without answering, Ivanka only nodded.

"Then want me to take you to the best place here?" The fat man immediately became excited. "I've worked at this place for years, I know all about this place and I have a good taste in clothes,"

"No thanks." Ivanka politely declined.

Still, the fat man didn't want to give up. Seeing Ivanka's figure moving to a distance, he immediately caught up with her. "Take it easy, I'll introduce you to the good and cheap shops for free! So what kind of clothes do you want?"

Ivanka only frowned, this guy sure was annoying.